The Big Brown Bug Bit a Big Brown Bear

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authors note: the big reveal owowowowowowowowo

adriens pov//

Soooooo me and y/n are currently making out. Lets go back to how this happened.

Tikki whot are you doin here i screamed in my thick british acssent. So ummmm im kinda maybe lucky red spots. How do you know tiki? y/n states cutely. OH umm i guess this is a reveal. Im chat noir and i have a mega crush on you owo i say in a british like matter. Do we make out now y/n asks. Sure but can you eat some more flower first? its really hawt. she struggles to understand me because im british and have an acent. OK she says in the sussy baka way she says things in. So that is what the fast few minuest have looked like for me. Pretty great right?

(present time)

We coontinue kissing ( how ever you discribe that). suddenly i get a notification  that golts me out of my happy state. i pull anway from her and groan beacause im sad. then i look at my phone. i curse. its a akuma alert i tell the bluentte.

 then we jump out of the windo as our alter egos- chat noir and lucky red spots

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then we jump out of the windo as our alter egos- chat noir and lucky red spots. an iconic duo. not as iconic as me and ludybug (may her corpse rest in peace) but still iconic. we kiss in mid air beacause athstedic adn then run off to fight the newly acumaazized villan-edward the sussy.

 we kiss in mid air beacause athstedic adn then run off to fight the newly acumaazized villan-edward the sussy

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we kapow him right in the knees so hororicly it makes him faint. KAPOW. then we break his neck of because thats where the akuma is. blood pools around his neck as lucky red spots purifys the akuma.

see you later little butterfly she calls beause she is a nok off less surpiriar version of ladybug

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see you later little butterfly she calls beause she is a nok off less surpiriar version of ladybug.

the de-akumatized edward still bleeding gets his head magically put back by the miraculous ladybugs. wow i just came back from the dead he ponders. thats kinda sus. yeah i agree with him.

time skip 37 years

y/ns funural

adrians pov//

Me and my 18 children make our way to my beloved wifes funural. damn she was hot. why does everyone i love die. oh well. maybe lucky red spots and ladybug will fall in love in hevan. that would suck for me.  i go over to her dead body and cry. why did she have to go got swallowed and then digested and pooped out by squshie bute when he got re akumatized. her body isnt even her body its just the gastly poop that holds her remains.

one of my 18 children is going to be the new holder of the ladybug mirculous

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one of my 18 children is going to be the new holder of the ladybug mirculous. im not quite sure which one yet becousw there ar ea lot to choose from. probably splinter. they are the most athletic.

i eat a moyonase sandwhich and leave theh funural too sad to drive so splinter does it for me.

 i eat a moyonase sandwhich and leave theh funural too sad to drive so splinter does it for me

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our gaint van zooms away as this amazing chapter of my life ends. *insert crying sounds* good bye my beloved y/n i scream looking through teh back window at the funural place. then i cry until finally i die. oh my says splinter.

in hevan lady bug and lucky red spots have fallen in love. i am happy to see them again but this is quite sad for me. both my buggaboos are taken. i guess ill just find a new wife.  i realize that i will never see plagg again beacause kwamais dont die. he must be so sad. i am sad too.i cry  until i cant cry anymore and think about all the tragic chapters in my book called life.

i cry  until i cant cry anymore and think about all the tragic chapters in my book called life

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HEYYYYYY GUYS!!!!!!!! sooo thats the end of my fan fiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its really really good and i hope you liked it i know i did. it took me lots of time so please vote, follow, and comment. that would make me REALLLY happy owo! thanks again for reading BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe

all credits to artist. i did the graphic design and it took a reeeeeeeeeeeeealy long time so yeah :)))))

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