Jazz O.C.

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message from author: I just wanted to make it clear that I have posted this story on another website, so if it seems familiar that's why. I'm going to be rewriting it on here. thanks!

Jazz O.C.

Chapter 1 ; Amery Recording

       Jazz looked up at the record producer, her boss since he had found her in high school. She smiled that one-of a kind, dazzling, perfectly white, and bitterly sarcastic smile with mischief in her liquid silver eyes. Her lips were pale and perfectly pouty, her eyes large and accented with black cat-eye eye liner. She was wearing all black at the moment, sitting on a stool in black spandex leggings, Christian Louboutin black leather boots that went past her knee, and a simple black tank-top. Her jewlery, as usual, was a bit excessive, but it somehow worked for her, and the rocker-bad girl image she lived up too. Her thick black hair was in loose beach waves down to the middle of her back, her side bangs hanging in her face. She brushed them away and taunted the stuck up record producer.

       "Ty-Ty," She said silkily. Her voice was like pure sugar, captivating you from the moment she spoke the first sllyable. He sighed deeply, the frown in between his bushy eyebrows growing deeper. As beautiful and hypnotizing as she was, Jazz O'Callaghan was his biggest headaches. She was horribly independant, knew what she wanted, and knew what she wanted to sound like. Record producers, song-writers and big names in the industry had no effect on her, or her music. It was why people most often over-looked all of the notorious behavior she emitted. It was why Tyler Amery kept her around, on the biggest record label of the time, his record label. It didn't matter how much of a headache Tyler had after Jazz left. She was his money-maker, his main reason that he was where he was in his life. He knew exactly what he had, no matter how many behavior issues she had.

         "Jazz, please just sing the song." He sighed. "Look, Ty-Guy, you don't have the right beat. It just doesn't...fit. I'm am not singing to that shit. No offense," She added, looking at the other guy next to Tyler who controlled the music she heard. He shrugged, and smiled lazily, dazzled by her stunning face. Any other person and he would have been utterly offended.

       "How would you like it then, Jazz?" Tyler asked, exasperated. "Am I sensing an attitude?" She asked, amused. Her assistant, Dustin, smirked from behind the glass. She winked at him. Tyler straightened in his expensive beige suit. "No, of course not. Just tell us what you want to hear."

       Jazz smiled, gesturing for them to play the beat again. She closed her eyes, her hands around the headphones, absorbing the music. "More bass," She said softly, and continued with things like, "Softer drums, or more violin, or louder guitar," until the beat was perfected.

       It started slow, and picked up with the chorus, rising and falling with her liquid pure voice. The lyrics she had written so far flowed out of her, but they had no particular meaning. She stop when she finished singing what she had written. Tyler clapped, bewildered. Even Dustin, who had heard her sing, was speechless.

       "That was excellant, Miss O'Callaghan." Tyler said, back to his original, business self. Jazz knew she would crack through that eventually. Jazz was surprised at the open compliment. Usually he gave his own version of a compliment; take for example, he would say, 'That will sell a lot, see ya tomorrow,' or, when he really liked it, 'Be here by whatever time,' which meant he didn't know what else to say because it was wonderful and he was pleased with it. Then there were the rare occassions when it was absolutely lovely and he actually said so.

       "I am truly honored Ty-Guy!" She exclaimed with a large sarcastic smile, knowing he hated nicknames. Yeah, well she hated being called 'Miss O'Callaghan'. He grimaced, and snuffed his nose. "Do not call me that, Miss O'Callaghan." Dustin gave Jazz a warning look from behind the glass, behind Tyler. Jazz pretened like she didn't hear him, only looking up when he raised an eyebrow at her.

       She looked behind her on both sides of her shoulders. "Oh, sorry, were you talking to me? It sounded like you were talking to my mother." He sighed, feeling that headache turn into a throbbing. "Jazz, your time is up. Be here by 7:30 sharp."

       Her silver eyes went wide. "I do hope you don't mean 7:30 in the morning."

       "Why, I do, actually, Miss O'Callaghan." Tyler smiled. Jazz snapped. "Call me that one more time and I will punch you in your face, Tyler." Dustin's eyes nearly popped out of his head. It wasn't easy working for Jazz O.C., believe him. She was notorious for her temper and love of alchol, clubs, men, and drugs. But she was amazingly beautiful, and amazingly good at singing. She also was incedibly good at acting, playing the villian in a few movies the years before.

         Tyler's hazel eyes went wide. "I could fire you, you know Mis-"

         "Jazz," She hissed.

          "Jazz." He finished reluctantly. She rolled her eyes and put her sunglasses on, picking up her large black leather designer bag with studs, and walking out of the booth. She walked past him briefly. "Yeah, you fire me, you might as well fire yourself. See ya T-Bone. Have a nice day," She kissed him on the cheek, and walked out, Dustin following behind her.

         Jazz checked her Iphone as Dustin spoke about the schedule for the day. "We've got a lunch meeting with Justin Brober concerning a record deal, Max Demetriou called a few times-" I cut Dustin off. "Of course he did," I muttered. Dustin grinned and continued discussing the schedule. "Tyler wants a new song by the end of the month, just letting you know, and Aria called about Christmas dinner." Aria was my best friend since highschool. We made it through everything, and my fame wasn't going to stop anything.

      "Tell her I'll be there," I said instantly. I didn't care what I had going on that day, it would be cancelled. Dustin widened his green eyes, rolling them, and continued. "You need to find a dress for the MTV awards very soon, I'm thinking a red flowy thing, don't you agree?"

      Here's the thing: Dustin's absoultely, flawlessly gorgeous. I mean one of the guys in the world without flaws, utterly, completely perfect. He's extremely smart,clever, even-tempered, reasonable, and stable guy in the world who does crazy things every once in a while. Well, a lot actually (something I was sure I had to do with). He's also extremely gay, and my best friend aside from Aria. He's the best manager in the world, and I give him an extremely high paycheck to deal with all my shit. I would definetily be lost without him.

       I nodded my head in agreement, taking a water from my huge black leather purse and taking a sip. "And some nice Christian Louboutin's to go along with them, yeah?" I asked, raising my eyebrows sugguestively. He grinned.

       The elevator door beeped open, and I nearly lost my breath. In walked, of course, the infamous Neverending Faith.

        Just my luck.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2011 ⏰

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