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08 | Night Time Talks

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08 | Night Time Talks

"He must have been tempted by the treasure."

Eustace pressed his now scaled wrist against the rough stone ground. He brushed it hard against the surface, trying to pry the gold wristlet off of his wrist. The pain so evident in his eyes, Kya could tell her brother was hurt. The bracelet was piercing his skin, digging into it roughly. Kya stayed by her brother's side, wincing at the tight hold the jewelry had on her brother.

"Well, anyone knows a dragon's treasure is enchanted." Caspian pitched in, earning a snarl from Eustace and a piercing glare from Kya. "Well, anyone from here."

Kya moved her gaze from Caspian to the bracket Eustace continued struggling to remove. Kya reached out to her brother, helping him pry the gold piece off of him, Eustace let out a pained roar as Kya managed to do so. She muttered a quick apology, tossing the wristlet to the side, rubbing Eustace's hurt wrist gently.

"Is there any way to change him back?" asked Edmund, looking at Caspian questioningly.

"Not that I know of." he responded, glancing at Drinian to see if he had any idea how to return Eustace to his original state.

A low growl elicited from Eustace, his saddened gaze moving to the ground. Kya quickly placed a reassuring hand on her brother's shoulder, trying her best to put a convincing smile on her face. "No need to worry Eustace, I'm sure we'll figure out a way to turn you back to normal."

Her words didn't seem to change Eustace's mood one bit.

"Aunt Alberta will not be pleased." Edmund somewhat jokes, earning a loud and annoyed huff from Eustace.

"Sorry about the hand, old boy." apologised Reepicheep, a guilty look taking over his tiny features. "I can be a little overzealous at times." Eustace let out another growl, this time at Reepicheep.

"The boats are ready, sire." Tavros, the minotaur, called out to Caspian.

"We can't leave him alone," said Lucy.

"Well, we can't bring him on board, Your Majesty." pointed out Drinian.

Kya stepped in, clearing her throat lightly. "He's a dragon now, he can always fly." she gestured towards Eustace. "I mean he just did a second ago, he can just do it again." Eustace made a sound that seemed like he wasn't too thrilled by the idea of him flying again. "Hey," Kya placed a hand on his arm. "Hey, it's okay you don't have to fly if you do want to."

Kya's gaze moved over to Caspian who was handing the sword of Lord Octesian to Drinian. Their eyes locked for a brief moment before Kya quickly broke their gaze. "Drinian, you and the others take the boat back." spoke Caspian. "The rest of us will stay here till morning and... work out what to do."

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