How you meet

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~you guys met at band practice
Well specifically at the bleachers
"I like your shoes"
"Thanks, you too"
You guys talked more for a bit then exchanged numbers

~she just dumped some guy
He pushed her
You went over there and helped her out
After that she thanked you and you guys hung out all-day

~you guys had met at the grocery store
"Shit I left my money at home"
"Oh next time I suggest bringing it"
"Huh you're actually funny"
After when you said that, he asked for your number, and you gave it to him.

~ you had to say a poem in class
You were nervous and it was about one of the murders from the past
Ruby lane
After school josh went up to you and talked about ruby more
~You gave him your email to 'chat' more

~ met at cheer practice
You heard her say that she hates sunny vile and you said
"Wait same"
You guys talked all cheer practice after that

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