First kiss + both reactions

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You guys were listing to her favorite song together, you started singing it.
She thought you were perfect.
She kissed you,
You instantly pulled away
Looked at her
And kissed her again.

She fell down
You kissed the wound on her knee
Then you guys made eye contact
And you kissed her lips this time.

You guys were at your house watching tv
He was very fidgety
"You know you're really hot y/n-"
You kissed him
"I know Simon"

Cheer practice
You fell down
She felt bad but you got up by yourself and continued as nothing happened.
She saw that and after practice, you guys hung out and she kissed you firmly.

He was teaching you some hacks and stuff he learned on the internet.
You thought it was so cute and he was so smart, so you interrupted him by kissing him.
He was very blushy after.

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