First I love you

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The bitch thought you were cheating on her.
"Deena I fucking love you. Only you."
You guys both tear up a little
Then uhhh yk.

She was going on vacation for almost all summer far away.
"I'll only be gone for a bit okay?"
"I don't want you to leave sam, please."
"Im sorry my mom won't let me stay. I- I love you y/n."

He was pissing you off again. He stood you up because he had to work extra again.
"Y/n, I had to work a double shift."
"Ugh. You always have to."
"Aww, you missed me y/n"
"Shut up."
"Cmon I know you love me y/n."
Then after he said that you looked at him confused and said
"You're not wrong Simon-"
"Wait what."
"I love you, Simon"
"I- uh I- fucking love you too y/n"

You were nervous for cheer finals and she couldn't make it that time because she got sick.
"Kate, I'm too scared I can't do it."
"Please y/n. Go for us, I'll be there next time. I believe in you, I love you."
"I- I love you too Kate."
Then she kissed you and you went to finals
And did amazing.

You guys were playing video games together and Deena was yelling at him to answer the door.
"Sorry, Deena I can't I'm playing with y/n,"
Then Deena walked over to him and said
"You guys are always together jeez."
"Well she's my favorite person," he replied
"Awww, Joshyy I love youu"
He blushes and studers "i- I- I uh love you too y/n."
"Ew get a grip 'joshy," Deena said gesturing her finger to make it look like she's gagging.

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