Midsummer - Chapter 1

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It was midsummer and everyone where spending it with someone. Denmark hadn't found anyone yet to spend it with him, seems like his friends suddenly had a dying relative and so, they didn't have time to spend it with him. But Matthias was okay with it, he can always go to bar and stuff or maybe go to annoying Norway, he said that he wanted to spend his midsummer alone, but Danish man didn't believe him, he was always grumpy himself. He looked at the door and he knocks, Lukas lived middle of a forest in a new wooden house, there was anything what a Norwegian man would need, Matthias himself wanted to go to shopping sometimes, so he didn't understand living like that, though the house was big, like a mansion. Norway  heared that someone is knocking at the front door. He hoped it wasn't the annoying Danish Man, but when he opened the door, he saw his face. Norge sighs and let him in. Perhaps he could do some magic on him to shut him down.
"Nor, buddy, I'm here!" He shouts and runs to hug him, his usual happy expression was showing again as he haven't seen Norway for three weeks, it was a lot.
"The king came to see ya! Maaaannn! Yer house is huge!" Matthias says and looked around the vestibule, it was white, clean, simple, Lukas's style.
He sighs and hugged him back. He wouldnt admin it for himself but he missed him. "Why are you here?", he closed the door.
Denmark looked at the Norwegian with a smile, he immediately ignores the bad aura around Lukas, he'll thank him later anyway.
"I came to see whatcha're ya doin' here, Nor" He says and ruffles his hair, then he looked past of him to see was there any man half-naked, so he known that he wasn't visiting him at bad timing, but seems like Norway prefered his midsummer alone, in the house were just them.
"I'm prepared myself to kill you.", he showed the Danish Man a non-emotional face. He loved to make him cry or even make him uspet. Norge wanted to be alone at the midsummer to take care of his magical troll in those forest. And perhaps he would find some new magical creatures like fairies or unicorns, but he couldn't believe that someone of these are in his forest.
"Thatcha good plan to do!" The Dane chuckles, he didn't even listen him, he was in his own world again, Lukas was looking really cute in that over-sized sweater, he wanted to hug him again but Norway would probably push him off or even hit him. He takes his shoes off and he walks past of him, in the house, it was really lightly and white, everything was simple and arctic styled. "Wow, yer home is so huge!" He states, he was currently wearing a red check-shirt, brown skinny jeans and white socks, he'd been rolled up the shirt's sleeves, it made him look manly because of his hairy hands.
"Thanks.", he said and goes into the living room. Actually, he doesn't know what to do with Denmark. He sats down on his white couch and offerd him a seat place. He was wearing his over-sized sweater and normal jeans. He has got a sense of fashion, but when he was outside the city he doesn't care what he was wearing.
Matthias follows him into the living room, first his look gets huge Capricorn's horns, which were on the wall and then he noticed a painting, where was a kid middle of forest, the kid was wearing a white dress. The Dane stared at the painting, he was silently which was new because he usually wasn't. Then he looked at Norway and he walks to the couch, he sat down next to him and he looked quickly around the living room before he looked at Lukas.
"Hey Nor, so whatcha do ya wanna do?".
He glances over him and says in a quite voice. "What do you want to do?" He noticed that he was looking at the painting. It was a very old painting, that he loved.
"I dunno, but I'm sure that ya've beer, right buddy?" Denmark asks, his accent slightly appearing as he spoke, then he gives a smile to the Norwegian man, it was his style, be happy. He looked at the kitchen, in his sea-blue eyes was that look, which usually mean that he wouldn't mind having alcohol, as he'd this wonderful company and it was the midsummer after all, so of course they would drink some beer.
"If you get drunk, I'll push you outside and let you die.", said Norgie in a ironic way. After all what happend between them, he could do that, but they are a family and without him he couldn't do that to Iceland. He's his brother... He stand up and watched what Denmark is doing.
Matthias chuckles, he known that Norway wasn't joking, but he tried to make him loose up a bit, Denmark wouldn't drink much, just little. "I go to get some beer, Nor, no worries, I'm not goin' to get drunk" He says and walks in the kitchen, it was clean and white too, as everything was and he goes to the fridge, he founds two bottle of beer and he comes back with them, he offers the other bottle of beer to the Norwegian man, he known that Lukas liked to get drunk too.
He take the bottle of beer and open it. Norgie doesn't wanted to say, that he was happy. Happy that someone come over to his house to celebrate the Midsummer with him.
He watches as Norway takes the first sip of it and he opens his own bottle of beer, the scent of it was fresh and nice.
"So, any ideas? Because, buddy, we're goin' get so drunk that we can do weird stuff, like run in the woods and try to finda yer trolls" The Dane chuckles and he takes a sip of his beer, his spiky blond hair looking even more messy than ever.
He sighs and smiles a bit. "Yeah, my troll would probalby eat you." He smirks and takes another sip of his beer. The only one who would end up drunk, would the Danish Man.
"Wow, calm down fellow, hehe~" He laughs, then he takes another sip of his beer, Norway had his own kinda sarcastic humor, but otherwise he was really nice, it just took some time to get known him.
Norway places his half full beer at the table and takes a magazin to read. "You like girls with big boobs right?" He smirks evil and shows him the magazin. It was a kind of "erotic newspaper" he got from England, but never end up reading it until now.
Matthias snickers and he looked at the porn magazine, he wasn't aware that Norway even watched porn, though it wasn't surprise, Lukas had perverted mind like what.
"Are ya goin' ta just stare at porn magazines? Is it how ya spend yer midsummer? How borin'.." He says, of course he liked of girls with big boobs, but he cared of the personality too.
"I had no idea, that you were so boring either." He said and put the porns away. "So, what do you want to do? Drunk all my beer and ends up nacked in the forest?"
Denmark laughs, he finishes his beer and he puts it down to the coffee table. "I thought that I would first drink all yer beer, then I would do somethin' midsummer magic stuff, y'know, runnin' in forest fully naked ta get some luck and such" He explains and he went in the kitchen to get another one, then he comes back with a new bottle of beer.
He laughs a bit and drinks his beer finish. "Ah yes, I could spell a magical creature here and let them kill you!" Of course Norway wouldn't do such stupid things with his magic, but as countries they couldn't die. There wasn't such problems to do this.
"I can see that comin', but maybe if ya just let the spellin' be, right buddy?" He says, kinda fearing that when Norway used his powers, last time really hurt and he wouldn't want to feel that again. Denmark opens his bottle of beer to relax himself, alcohol made him more happily and he felt like everything wad possible.
He holds his head and sighed. "Ahh~ I forgot to send a message to Emil." Norway wanted to send his little brother a message, even if Emil doesn't wanted to believe him that they are brothers, he does it to annoy him. He stands up and goes upstairs to his room, leaving the Dane alone.
Matthias watches as Norway leaves the living room.
"Ppfft, ya're bori', Nor" He says and walks to the window, then he opens it and steps out of the window. He looked down at his feet, he was standing on grass. "I'm gonna get my luck!" He shouts, he known that there wasn't anyone in the woods, but still, he loved shouting around. The Danish man gets rid of his shorts and then he runs around the house, just wearing his shirt which hem covered his private areas and he sings "Norway Norway Norway, what did ya do?~~".
Norway stands shocked in front of Mathias, he then got a brilliant idea and sings back. "Hey, Hey Mathias~!! Guess what?"
"What what~?" He sings back and stops running and he looked at the Norwegian, as Matthias was more muscular, Norway can see clearly that he'd abs and that Denmark was more taller than he, but he was too drunk to even think anything clever.
He punshes his stomatch. "You're annoing me." Norway doesn't know why he died it, but he kinda like it.
The Dane grins and he pushes his stomach back, he knows that the Norwegian was drooling after his body now, but first he wanted to stay in the 'game'.
"Ya're annoyin' too, Nod~" He whispers and he laughs.
Norway smirks back evil and takes a chair. "Ya know, a chair hurts more than only a fist~" Norway then tries to punsh him with the chair, but it was a way to heavy for him or the alcohol in his body beginns to work.

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