Midsummer - Chapter 2

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"Norge! Norge, calm yer tits down!" Matthias shouts, his hand up as he tried to calm Lukas down, he didn't want to get in a hospital at midsummer. "A-hahah..let's just putta the chair down, shall we..?" Denmark says, taking a grip of the chair and he settles it down, noticing that Norway was drunk as well.
He did what he said and put the chair down. "Why is the world spinning around me...?" Norway holds Mathias arms and glances at him. "Make it stop, idiot."
"Mmhm, maybe ya just got too angry, buddy" He says and he raises Lukas in his hands, it was better to carry him back inside the house.
Matthias carries him inside the house, the close the door and he walks the stairs up, he was drunk so his mind didn't work clearly and he somehow manages to get into Norway's bedroom, he lays him down to the bed and he sits down. "Are ya feelin' better, Nor? Do ya need anythin'..?".
"It's ok..." He said and turns his body away from him. He thought about the last question Mathias said and stands up to face him. "I want someone here."
Denmark blinks, but then his drunken face gets some red color to his cheeks. "Oh.." He says, he didn't wait that, but he understood it, Norway was missing touch and love too, so no wonder why he was grumpy all the time.
Norway suddendly kiss him on the lips and presses him on the bed. He startes to undress himself to feel their bodies warms.
Matthias, who was wearing just a shirt, stared up at Norway, confused of the suddenly act, but then he got it and he noticed that Lukas was meaning that they're going to have sex, which was okay to him.
"So, ya want ta feel better, Nor" He says, helping the Norwegian open his shirt's buttons.
He nods and blushes lightly, waited that Mathias unbotted him. Then he kisses him this time more deeply and passionatly.
He doesn't get time to admire the Norwegian's beautiful pale chest, as their lips met again, it felt really wonderful, Matthias known that it was right decision to come over Norway and spend some time together, because everything was possible at the night of midsummer, because the sun didn't set down.
He caressed the danish body and admire that he got big just only by some kisses. Norway blushes a bit more and moves his hand down to Mathias privat zone.
Denmark wince as he felt the Norwegian man's cold hand on his crotch, making it to increase more, he usually wasn't uke one, but now he was too drunk to even care, he just wanted to feel Lukas close to him and get fucked. He wraps his arms around Norway, he'll scream, but he tries to keep his manliness as he can.
Norway moans lightly and kisses Mathias neck. "After this I'm going to kill ya...", he said and rolls under him, so that the Danish man is on top of him. He smirks evil and licks his lips wet.
"Fine ta me~" He says and grins, as he gets to the top of the Norwegian man, he then attacked against Lukas's lips and he kisses him deeper, settling his hands around his waists and he moves closer, pressing their chests together.
He kisses him back and begann to rock his hip against him to feel more of Mathias. He's getting very hot and a little problem is growing up under him. Norway groans softly and holds Danemarks arms.
Matthias noticed that and he slides his hands in the Norwegian's pants, noticing how hot there was and so, he pulls Lukas's pants off, his eyes first noticing blond trail of hair and then the 'issue'.
He holds his hand together with Norway's and his other hand raises Lukas's hip, examining the situation.
He groans and glances at Mathias angrily. "Don't do anything stupid." He then kisses him deeply and bite Mathias tounge just to show him he's not the uke.
Matthias groans as he felt that Lukas was biting his tongue and he revenges biting the Norwegian man's lower lip, while he shifted, getting better position and he raises Norway's both hips, he stares at his ass and then he licks his fingers. "I'm gonna prepare ya~" He whispers seductively and he pushes first finger in.
His eyes widen up and he screamed out. Norway wanted to be the Seme, but he was too drunk and too weak to chance his position. Norway takes the blanket under him and covered his face with it, he does't like it when Mathias saw his embressing expression.
"Ah..so tight" He breathes out and he digs his finger deeper, he wonder when was last time when Lukas got, because he was extremely tight ass. "Oh, I gotcha ya now Nor~" The taller nation whispers as he finds the prostate and he pushes his second finger in, finding the sweet spot again and he hits his fingers at it.
"Ahh~! T-there...", he tried not to be loud, but after the Dane found his prostate he moaned. He rocks his hips a bit and starts to stroke himself.
Matthias hits at the prostate again, his own member was increasing at the same time, but he tries to control himself and not just rush over the Norwegian like a hungry Viking, though his self-control wasn't so good when he was drunk.
He groans again and he pulls the third finger, as spearing the hole to get more space and he digs his fingers deeper, feeling how hot Norway was.
"P-put it in... For w-what are ya waiting..?" Norway catches his breath and strokes his erection more. Pre-cum was falling over his flesh and he feeled hotter than before.
Lukas didn't have to ask twice, as Denmark pushes him against the bed, maybe too roughly and he pulls his fingers out, Norway was so prepared that he would push his member and leg inside him if he would want to. "Just relax Nor, I gotcha this" He says and he goes over him, he settles the smaller nation's legs and he places his forming erection to the entrance. "I enter, so, try to relax~" Matthias commands and he pushes himself slowly in.
Norway gasped for breath and moaned after Danemark was fully inside him. "A-ah... Matthias ...!" He groaned and covered his face into the pillow under him. He feelt the pain and plessure mixed together.
Denmark breathes out, even after preparing, Norway was still tight as fuck and he needed to wait that Lukas is done of adjusting himself for his size.
"I start ta move first slowly, so, keep calm buddy, I don't wanna hurt ya.." He whispers and he starts to slowly move, pushing himself deeper of each thrust.
"Mhmm..." Norway loved how Denmark was telling him that he wouldn't hurt him, but he wanted it so badly right know. "M-move ..." He gasps and moaned out. "Faster!" His hips rocks against the erection inside him.
"Ya're complainin', even when ya're drunk" He laughs and he raises Norway's lower body, his hands having a grip of Lukas's hips and he pushes himself deeper, making sure that the smaller nation will moan his name so well that he can't remember anything else than Denmark's name.
He moaned out loud and tears falls from his eyes. "Y-yesss... Mathias!" Norway normaly wasn't that kind of loud during sex, but he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted Mathias cum inside him.
The Danish man slowly turns the moaning Norwegian around, his grip of his legs as he sees the pale back, calling his name to cover it to hickeys too. "Ahh, so good..try ta hold it, fora me, Nor" He says and he leans down, his chest against Lukas's back as he bites his teeth into his sensitive skin while picking up the pace.
"N-no... I can't..." he said and strokes himself. It just feeled so good for Norway to stop himself.
Matthias takes a grip of Norway's dick and he pushes his hand off it, he kept his grip of the erection and he pulls it down, so Norway couldn't cum. "Now try, I think this helps lotcha~" He says and he keeps thrusting in, slowly going down with Lukas, now leaning on him and his thrusts started to go deeper, hitting at the prostate.
He cries now in plessure. "I'm ... g-going .. to k-kill ya ..." Norway tried to rock his hips to push him even deeper than he is.
"Good N-Norge, I think I'm goin' ta cry too" Denmark mumbles, he really doesn't remember when was last time when Norway was so freaking cute and sexy all around and now he was touching him, making him to feel good, it was like from his dreams. He pushes himself deeper, founding the sweet spot and he hits at it, breathing against Lukas's shoulder.
Norway was close to cum so hard, but the hand from Denmark holds him back. "C-cum ... " he couldn't say it, it wasn't his thing to be under him, so he decided to cover his mouth with his hand and moan against it.
"Don't hide yer cute noises" He commands, knowing that he was close, so he hits at the sweet spot one last time and then he let's go of Norway's member, making them both come at the same time, white liquid covering Lukas's ass and Denmark groans loudly, breathing heavily.
"Mathias!!" With his last breath he called Denmark's name and let his fall into the bed. Feeling all the hot liquid covering his body, he turns around to face Denmark. Norway kisses him softly. "If I wasn't so tiered, I would kill ya ..." Closing his eyes he sighed. "Thank you for coming over ..."
"Better ta keep ya tired, Nor" He laughs and he falls down next to him, breathing heavily. "That was nice..still feelin' like that? C'mon Nor, we just made some love, don't be so grumpy" Denmark says and he ruffles his spiky blond hair.
He smiles sweetly and kisses his forehead. "Ya right..." Norway snuggels himself at him. He nods and feel asleep.

// Thank you very much for reading

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