Chapter 2: Meeting Elsa Snow.

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Jack's POV

Alright, so Manny just told us Pitch Black is back, the the Big Four became the Big Five, AND that I have a partner that I don't know, not who she is, not what her powers are, not what she looks like, and that she is a HUMAN, how can it be possible for a human to have powers?

Right now, Merida, Hiccup, Rapunzel, and I were walking trough the roads of Arendelle, there were a lot of buildings, but everything was calm in the city, the adults that walked by us just passed right through us, the children that saw us smiled at us and waved excitedly, we did the same for them. Almost every kid knew us in here, so it wasn't a surprise when they said hi to us.

We left Toothless over with the Guardians since, well, a dragon would not be the best thing to have when we do meet this Elsa Snow- as she is still a human...who has powers.

I really am confused.

We were looking for Elsa, Manny hadn't told us what she looked like, he just said that I was going to feel her presence, but.... How was I supposed to do that?! And I can't concentrate when Rapunzel is complaining all the time.

"Seriously- does Manny think we'll just accept a human in the group?! That's just-" Rapunzel said for the tenth time, Hiccup groaned.

"Punzie, I appreciate you and all, but...could you be quiet? We were all humans, you know?" He said, Rapunzel blushed and nodded.

"Have you felt anything, Frost?" Merida said to me as she walked by my side, changing the topic as I sighed and shook my head.

"No, I haven't felt an-" I stopped walking, making Hiccup and Rapunzel crash into Merida and I. A sudden pain went through my chest, it weirdly felt like a chill going up my spine, traveling all over me- it was quick- and at the same time nice, it felt like it was pulling me in.

I started walking again, but now I was almost running, where was I going? I don't know, but I felt like I had to go over there, I made turns, and with every step, the feeling got stronger. I could hear the shouts and screams from the others, but I kept on moving, I knew they were going to follow me anyway.

I then crashed into someone, and I knew it wasn't a child because the person was too tall for a child, I looked at the person on the floor and my eyes got wide. It was a teenager girl- maybe around my age when I was alive- she had platinum blonde hair, almost white, and she kept it on a french side braid. She had beautiful icy blue eyes, that kind of eyes that trap you and you can't look away from. Her skin was pale white and it looked really smooth. She was wearing a hoodie that looked like mine, but it was a lighter blue, it even had the ice decorations! Her shoes were the same shade of blue as her hoodie, and she had brown short-shorts on, they looked like my jeans, but obviously, hers were way shorter (A.N. she looks like the one in the picture).

Elsa's POV

Hello! My name is Elsa Snow, I'm seventeen years old, I've lived in Arendelle since I was born, and I have a little secret..... I have snow and ice powers, crazy, I know, but it's true. My powers are the reason my parents left me in an orphanage when I was five years old, I know I have a sister, she was two years old, I think her name was...Anna? I don't know I can't remember well, but I would like to see her, to at least meet her. No one ever adopted me, so when I turned my current age, I decided to get out of there. I had been ruled by fear most of my life causing me to outcast myself for this long, but now I want to enjoy my life, so that is what I'm doing, looking for an adventure!

I was waiting for the cars to stop passing the road so I could keep walking, until someone crashed into me making me fall to the ground, I looked up and basically gaped at who was in front of me. It was a boy that looked about my age, he had white, messy hair, and his eyes- my god- his eyes were so...ah~..I-I mean...his eyes were a light blue and I swear to everything that I saw snowflakes in them.

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