one : you're my friend now

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What a sight.

Her purple hair that stood out amongst her features blew against her face as the wind's pace fastened. Her pale skin that resembled the snow during winter made her stand out even more.

Eyes that held all the sadness stared at the city from below. The people looked like ants from her view. Huge buildings and skyscrapers.

She puffed a smoke. It lingered in the air for a while before fading away completely. Inhaling its addicting aroma, she sighed in content.


The boy looked up alarmingly as he slipped from the can that laid on the floor before it rolled down into the side.

Their eyes met for a brief second.

But to him it was like forever.

The cigarette flew out of the rooftop as she chucked it out, facing the stranger with a bored look. He couldn't bring himself to say anything as he remained on his spot.

With slow movements, she reached out her hand to him, completely forgetting the fact that it smelled like cigarettes.


"I haven't seen you around this unit. Do you live here?" She questioned.

"I actually do. I'm Jungwon by the way."

He reached out his hand for her to shake but she never did. Instead, she hugged him, completely catching him off guard. He stiffened as she neared her lips on his neck, slightly tip-toeing before she finally reached his level.

"You're my friend now."

She pulled back with a smile.

A smile that held no emotions.

It was like a perfect picture with a broken frame. A book with no pages.

He furrowed his eyebrows. He felt lost whenever his eyes met hers. What she said definitely made him question everything about her. It wasn't said at first but he has been keeping an eye on her for a while. Her presence was calm to him.

Just watching her from afar made him somewhat.. sad. She was sad. He could tell.

But friends? She wants to be friends?

Her feet dragged her out of the rooftop, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Her smell lingered on his nostrils. He had never had someone hug him his entire life, except for his grandma. Not even his parents that didn't bother to take care of him.

"Strange... she never told me her name."

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