Chapter 11

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*A bit dirty*

*Bo's POV*

His lips grazed my jaw as his hand slightly tugged his t shirt down from my shoulder. Harry nipped at the newly exposed skin, making me whimper. My body froze as a large hand skimmed down my body, dangerously close to my crotch, but I flinched back before he could touch me. Harry's eyes never left my face. My breathing became increasingly heavy as he cautiously played with the tips of my fingers. They became entwined with his, slowly he pulled me forward. Harry sat on the edge of the bed looking up at me. He caught hold of my other hand, tugging me forwards until I was stood in between his legs. My chest rose up and down quickly as I felt him place a large hand round the back of my thigh. He lifted it, encouraging me to straddle his lap.

Harry shifted back a little on the bed. I placed my hand on his chest to stop me falling into him. My touch quickly withdrew as I watched him grip the bottom of his t shirt. The fabric was swiftly pulled over his head before chucking the clothing to the floor. My eyes were instantly drawn to the tanned skin of his torso. I gasped as Harry caught hold of my hand. He brought it up to his shoulder before guiding me down over his left collar bone.

"Please." He begged.

Harry's hand left mine and I surprised myself when I continued to touch his chest. His muscles were toned, hard under my soft fingertips. I watched his mouth part as my index lightly ran over his nipple. Hot breath forced from his body as my touch travelled down his front. Carefully I traced the defined lines on his stomach. Harry couldn't take his dark eyes off me as I dipped into the curves. I curiously let my fingers wander to the v lines on his hips. But my touch ceased when I reached the black band of his boxers which was visible over the top of his jeans.

I froze, still sat on Harry's lap as he slowly released his belt. The button was popped open and the zip pulled down. My eyes widened. Harry acted quickly as I tried to climb off him, one of his large hands held my thigh, the other slid round to my lower back in an effort to keep my straddling him.

We stayed like that for a few moments. My shaky breath trembled from my lips as Harry's grew deeper. I shivered as his touch ran up my back, forcing me closer to him. He leaned forward, his nose brushing my cheek as he desperately tried to get me to respond. I turned my head towards him, giving him the opportunity to catch my lips with his.

Harry's hand disappeared from my leg. A deep moan followed which vibrated against my mouth. I pulled away, my wide eyes instantly darting down to find Harry's fingers rubbing over his crotch. His eyes were closed, the movements becoming harder, his mouth parting once again. I couldn't stop myself, my fingers carefully moving to his forehead, brushing his curls back. He hummed with my touch a small smile appearing on his face.

I had never seen him like this before. Harry seemed almost vulnerable as I watched him press his palm down. It was a vast contrast to seeing him earlier when he violently beat Jake. Now Harry was quietly moaning, enjoying the pleasure washing through his body. Maybe it was because I wanted to feel stronger, create a sense of dominance that Harry always held over me. Whatever the reason, I was curious to find out how it felt to be the one in charge. His eyes shot open when my fingertips trailed down the tensed muscles in his stomach. My hand trembled as I moved to the black fabric revealed by his undone jeans. I gasped as his large hand fell over mine, encouraging me. Harry's eyes locked on my face as he showed me how to touch him. He grew harder as I gently squeezed, watching in awe as Harry's hips rocked up to my touch. A short time later he withdrew his presence.

"Harder." He instructed quietly.

I applied more pressure which had Harry groaning in approval. My name fell in breathy gasps from his mouth as I continued to rub over him. I couldn't quite believe what was happening, it shouldn't be happening. But I was too curious to stop myself. Moisture was beginning to pool on the black fabric and Harry's moans were becoming more frequent.

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