Chapter 2

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*Bo's POV*

I climbed out of the taxi after paying my part of the fare. My friends returned my wave as I walked up to the front door of my house. They had practically interrogated me about what had happened with Harry. I was still a little shook up by the whole thing.

Once inside my room I peeled off my clothes and threw them in the washing basket. I quickly brushed through my dark hair before wandering over to the chest of drawers. The t shirt was swiftly pulled over my head, hopping over to the bathroom whilst yanking up my pj bottoms. I sleepily turned on the light, getting my toothbrush from the holder and squirting toothpaste onto the bristles. I opened my mouth and started to clean. Pushing my hair off my shoulder I tilted my head to the side. The toothbrush fell from my parted lips and clattered into the sink. I was shocked when I saw the sore red patch of skin, which held hints of purple. I brushed my fingertips over my neck, wincing slightly. He'd marked me. I shuddered at the thought, trying to shake of the feeling of his lips on my skin and how his tongue soothed over the bite. His words "Your mine now" echoed through my mind. I tried to push Harry from my thoughts, quickly going back to cleaning my teeth.

I finished off getting ready for bed before sinking back into the covers. My head rolled to the side and I patted at the duvet until I found the source of the buzzing. I held my phone up in front of my face. The text was from Harry. My heart sped up a little as I forced myself to open the message.

From: Harry

"You know, you should probably close your curtains before stripping off. Thanks for the show, Love. H x"

I jolted up out of bed and over to the window. I peered out, my eyes landing on a large black vehicle on the opposite side of the road. Fear struck through me. Harry was leant against the car, arms folded across his strong chest. Even in the dark I could tell he had an arrogant smirk plastered across his face. He pushed himself from the vehicle, walking round the front and climbing in the driver's seat the other side. Before I knew it the car had accelerated down the road and out of sight.

"What have I got myself into."


"Morning, Bo."

My Mum called from the kitchen upon hearing me creek down the stairs. Walking down the hall I glanced in the mirror hung on the wall. I had to take a second look as I remembered the horrible bruise marked onto my skin. I quickly covered my neck, pulling my long hair over my shoulder. Once satisfied it was hidden I pushed the kitchen door open.

"Mornin' M..."

I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of a mop of dark brown curls, sat up at the counter. This couldn't be happening. With my Mum's back to him, Harry was free to trail his green eyes up and down my body. I felt self-conscious, his gaze then falling on my face.

"Oh Bo, this lovely boy was stood outside so I invited him in."

A grin spread across his face, deep dimples prominent.

"Hey, Harry." I forced, politely.

"Alright, Bo." He winked.

"Mum, can I speak to you for a second?" I asked through gritted teeth.

I flashed Harry a pained smile before tugging my mother into the hall. Once I was sure he wouldn't be able to hear I started to talk.

"Why did you invite him in?" I whispered angrily.

"He said he was a friend of yours, he's very sweet." She gushed.

"Mum, he could have been a murderer." I scolded.

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