Chapter 28: A Dark Secret

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Hey guys. Sorry for not updating this book. I had a writer's block and apparently I am thinking of continuing this book so enjoy this chapter.

Viola's POV

It's been a fun that I got to scare Pharyx Luke and Everest. I'm playing a card game that Soul Spirits loved playing called Souls and Reapers. You can say it's like Pokémon card game or Yu-gi-oh. I'm playing against my pet owl Snow. My husband came in wondering what I was playing.

"Hey, honey. What are you playing?" He asked.
"I'm playing Souls and Reapers. This game is hard to play but only a Soul Spirit could understand", I replied.

I laid down another card and my deck and Snow's deck changed into reaper like creatures. They start fighting.

"When the deck is against you. Bring out the Grim Reaper", I said as I pulled out a Grim Reaper card. The card turned into a reaper and used its scythe to wipe out Snow's deck. My deck and Snow's deck changed back into cards..

"Yes!!!!" I shouted in victory, "In your adorable face, Snow", I continued but to Snow.

Victory feels so good!!! Wait, I'm feeling fluffy?

"Viola? Why do you have a big tuft of fur on your arm?!" Zero said in shocked.

I looked and saw that he was right! Oh no. Why is it coming back?!!!! I thought it wouldn't return. I need to find my elixir and fast!

"Viola, I think you need to rest", Zero told me.

I was gonna refuse but I had to so I went to my room and into bed. Zero closed the door when I was inside. I can't believe that it's coming back. They are not ready to know.

Sonic's POV

I was enjoying my daily run until I got a call from Tails.

"Sonic! There's something wrong with Viola!" Tails said over the communication device that I have.
"Don't worry, Tails. I'm on my way", I replied.

I sped off to Viola's place and I saw the gang gathered in the living room.

"Tails, what happened?" I asked.
"Viola had a tuft of fur appeared on her arm", Zero answers.

That's strange. Well, I hope Viola is alright.

Viola's POV

I had been looking for my elixir but I can't find any. I suddenly changed into the form I had feared for. My snow indoraptor form. I blacked out and I am in a void.

"Not this again", I said.

Suddenly behind me is the indoraptor but has snow stalker fur on the arms, legs, back, and tail. It has two pairs of claws and arms and only one pair of back legs. It has three tendrils on both sides of the head. Ok, Viola. Remember this is like before. I started running from it as it chases me.

Silver's POV

Man it's thundering and raining outside. Looks like we won't be able to leave but at least we can explore Viola's place. Suddenly the lights went out.

"What happened to the lights?!" Charmy said in fear.
"Calm down Charmy. Nothing bad will happen", Vector said to Charmy.

Suddenly a thunder clapped. Tails and Alex got scared that they jumped and hugged each other.

"I hate when it rains", Sonic said.

Infinite's kids came to us and are scared.

"Dad, where's mom?" One of them asked.

Suddenly we hear a roar. It came from the entrance and we saw a large looming figure with menacing cyan eyes. It ran off and when through the window that is on the second floor which is Viola's room!!!!

Love Is Always Infinite (Infinite x my OC) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now