Chapter 11

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Followed with my friends, we walked to Ryan's House. It's so big! There's people everywhere and blasting music.

"This is gonna be fun!" Diana screamed excitedly.

"I know it will!" Rebecca and I said at the same time.

We made our way to the front door and knocked.

"Welcome Ladies. Come in and enjoy!" A redhead with a strong jawline said. Ooh- He's cute!

The place was amazing. Now I gotta find Ryan.

"I'm going upstairs, soon be back" I tell them.

"Okay and be careful" Diana said.

"Always" I replied.

I walked to every one of the rooms upstairs but couldn't find him. Then I entered into a lounge spot where liquor is- there he is!

"Hey, Ryan!"

"You're here! Glad you made it. Are you having fun?" He said.

"It's amazing here. You really fix up the place"

"Why thank you dear" He joked. I love him already.

"Outside is too noisy, wanna go in my room?" He asked.

"Of course" I smiled.

We walked to his room and he opened the door for me. The room was nice, black and white with furniture.

"So what are we gonna do?" I turned around.

"You're not going anywhere" He smirked and push me up on the wall.

"Stop! You're hurting me!"

"It will only take a second" He opened my blouse.

"STOP! HELP!" I screamed and pushed him.

"Scream one more time and you will never leave this room"

"STOP! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME! SOMEBODY HELP! RAPE!" I tried to push him but he was too strong.

He was about to pull of my shorts but the door opened and a boy came running and punched Ryan in the face, continually.

"Please stop" I cried, slouching down on the wall.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked, helping me up. Blood was all over his hands.

"No, please take me home"

"Put on your clothes" He said and turmed his back. Ryan was on the floor, crying.

"Are you done?" The boy asked.


"Come on!" We rushed downstairs and went into his car. He drive to a nearby gas station.

"Are you sure you want to go home? Will your parents be mad?" His beautiful brown eyes pierced in my soul. I felt this safe presence radiating off of him.

"I don't know. I just want to be safe"

"I'll take you to my house, okay? And I'll treat the cuts you got from running"

"Thank you"

He started the car and was on the journey to his house. The wind blowed his black hair, beautifully.

We arrived at his house. He got the medication thing-box and began to treat the cuts.

"Ow! That hurts!" I whined.

"I'm sorry, if you don't treat the cuts. It will get an infection" He wiped them with alcohol.

After a while, he was done. "Finish and you can go freshen up in the bathroom"



After I took a shower, I realized I didn't have any clothes.

"Uh, I don't have any clothes!" I shouted, making sure the door don't expose my body.

"Here" He handed me a t-shirt which reached to my knee and a shorts.

"Thanks...I'm done"

"I need answers" He said. "What is your name?"

"Um...B-Britney" The nervousness I feel around him isn't helping.

"Why were you with Ryan?"

I told him the story and he had a shocked look on his face.

"Wow, I'm so sorry... But you're here now and safe"

"Thanks for all of this. No one has showed me this much compassion before"

He hugged me. It felt like hours we were here in this trance. "I didn't even asked what was your name?"

"Marlon" He smiled at me. He's handsome!

"That's a lovely name" I smiled. We both looked in each other's eyes. I think I'm falling for him.

to be continued...

to be continued

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