The Cats and Clans (work in progress)

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The Clans


Leader: Wolfstar - silver tabby she-cat with gray stripes and amber eyes.

                        Apprentice: Moonpaw

Deputy: Sunshine - light orange tom with amber eyes.

Medicine Cat: Frostfang - white tom with green eyes


Fogheart - moody orange tom with green eyes

Runningbear - brown she-cat with amber eyes

Lightningfur - bluish-gray tom with amber eyes

                        Apprentice: Cloudpaw

Brokenheart - gray tom with amber eyes

                        Apprentice: Meadowpaw 

Tigerscar - silver tom with blue eyes. Renamed after nearly being killed as an apprentice and has eleven long scars down his neck and sides

Treeleg - very tall brown she-cat with green eyes

Twolegheart - brown tabby tom with blue eyes. Was found at the abandoned twoleg nest as a very young kit. Parents believed to be kittypets.

Swiftwind - black she-cat with green eyes

                        Apprentice: Warmpaw

Wingblaze - small brown tom with blue eyes

                        Apprentice: Bloompaw

Icewing - white she-cat with amber eyes

Softwhisper - bluish-gray tom with blue eyes

Holeclaw - dark brown she-cat with a ginger circle around one of her green eyes

Roottail - light brown tabby tom with amber eyes


Gingerwhisker - white tabby she-cat with faint brown stripes and blue eyes

                       Kits: Brownkit and Fluffykit

Citterfoot - small mostly-gray torotoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes

                       Kits: Rockkit

Daisyfur - orange she-cat with amber eyes

                       Kits: Autumnkit, Banditkit, and Mountainkit

Cowpelt - black and white she-cat with green eyes

                       Kits: Tigerkit, Stormkit, Icekit, and Silverkit

Cheetahleg - lean white she-cat with black spots and blue eyes. Expecting kits.

Volewhisker - silver she-cat with green eyes. Expecting kits.

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