Chapter Eight: Poker's Play

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One day, when Shuto and Hannah was eating their snacks, there was a stone tied with a poker card heart number 10.

They just thought it was a prank or something.

After 2-3 minutes, there was a call from the inspector that Shuto's friend's wife died, and the victim's name is Juuna Kore

Shuto noticed something, and said " uh? Wait, wait, I think the victim's name is also from the card that we received today because her name is "juu" which means 10 in japan."

They were all confused on who did that.

(The next day)

When Shuto was throwing the trash, he saw heart nine card on top of the trash, he started to feel very suspicious about the cards.

And there came Hannah shocked, and said " Sh..Shuto! Your..your name is composed of one in poker! Shuto Ichino, the ichi means 1 in japan."

Shuto just remembered that, and he will be the last target.

Shuto said " This is like a poker's play, you need to have King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . The only way to win this game is to become the joker. Wait, the name who I know named kyuu(nine)...ah! Kyuujin! My neighbor! Lets go to him now! We have to save him. I feel like the killer is killing the person who has connection with me! He is challenging me!"

(Knocked on Kyuujin's door)
Shuto said " wait, there is something wrong", when he opened the door,the door wasn't locked. He ran inside, and saw Kyuujin's body with blood. He saw the heart card number 9.

Shuto shouted "I've had enough of this already! The killer is just playing with people's life!"

When Shuto protected the next victim Hachiraku(8) and Nanaya(7).

The criminal planned to jump to Six.
Shuto first was suspecting that the criminal is the person who have grudges against him.

He said "Honaraku sensei, Jaluka, Yatsumo, Hirona, they are the only suspect that possible."

The criminal(Jaluka) ran towards Shuto, and hit him with a metal pole when he was at the road.
Shuto saw the criminal's face when he knocked out.
When Shuto woke up, he found himself in a dark room, and he heard Hannah's voice. He instantly knew that he was kept in the clothset.

Shuto used the special gadget that his professor gave him, and Shuto captured the criminal, and he handed the criminal to the police.

There he gave one ace card with a joker card. He said "heh-heh* you won mr.detective, you saved the game."

There, Shuto was pissed off, and he punched the criminal.

He shouted " have no right to take away the innocent lives of people! It is even greater than the sins".

"Poker is a gambling game, but it is different when you are gambling with people's lives!".

There, the criminal hit the heads of the officers with his head, and ran off.

The criminal used Hannah as a bait, he was holding a knife. The criminal said "If you will move I'll shoot her!

There was a gun in front of Shuto.
He took the gun, and said " please bear with me, I have no choice."
Shuto then triggered the gun, and shot the criminal's arm.

Hannah have a slight wound when he shot the criminal.
Shuto ran towards Hannah, and asked the police to call the ambulance.

There came Hannah saying "S..Shuto... I'm so sorry for all the trouble.. if I was more stronger,..I woulden't made this mess."

Shuto said "You stipid! Don't say that, I'll save you even, if you are a very tough case! I will protect you because I lobe you..Hannah.."

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