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You never liked spiders at all. 

They were nasty little creatures, hairy, too many legs and more creepy then anything else.

As a child, you found them really scary. At the beginning of your teenage years, they didn't creept you out so much as bevor, but the thought of this arachnoids still dosen't sat right with you. It was just weird. 

Spiders are weird. 

They were just existing, never bothered you much, but you just couldnt get compfortable with them. It was like they were hiding something from you, not something physical, but more like a meaning. A hidden message, you just couldnt understand. For other people it might seem dumb to acusse spiders to have a deeper meaning in there existenc, but for you it was the only explanation why the hell you feeled everytime so tense when one of these little things was around. 

As you grew older, it just got worse. To be exact, everything became a living catastrophe at your 16 birthday. The day every person in the world anticipated the most. Even you. 

The day when your Soulmark starts to show up - of course only if you had a soulmate at all. 

A soulmate was somebody who the universum decided was the perfect match for you. Your'e better half, a person who could love you unconditionally, no matter who or what you are. 

Meeting one's soulmate is the biggest dream of most people, because everything realated to them should be perfect. 

And the good thing is, you will meet them. Its not a choice. Its more like destiny. Written in the stars. 

If you have a soulmate, you will 100% certain run into him in some point in youre life. The only exeption is death. For the largest proportion of people out there, this was something good. They don't need to be scared that they might die alone, the chances to have a dead soumate is minimal - and the chances to surivive a dead soulmate can be  almost impossible.

For you though… it was something really concerning. 

You never really minded the whole idea behind soulmates, it was probably a nice thought to have somebody waiting for you till the end, but nothing more. It was a princip of life… that just existed. It was there for some reason, and nothing more or less. You never thought this could become a probleme for you.

But it did. 

It became a really big problem. 

A hairy, eight legged and irritating problem. 

Most people had one, maybe two Soulmarks. Sometimes they were words, short scentences, sometimes it was little pictures - similiar to tatoos but still somewhat diffrent. Unlike Tatoos, Soulmarks don't fade with times, they stayed exactly the same, year after year. The only exeption were the meeting of two Soulmates or the death of one. Some People had the luck to have 'black and white' soulmarks. Soulmarks that only started to show colour when you touch your special one. Because of that it was easier to detect who exactly you soulmate is. However, not everyone had this specific sort of Soulmarks. Most of the time the colour of the mark from people with words stayed the same even after they meet. But even these people had ways to identify their soulmate. Its essential to touch your soulmate and after that, it depents on the person. Your mother told you that she feelt a large wave of adrenalin at the first time she touched you father. You father on the other hand didnt had the feeling of adrenalin in the slightest. He was calm and concentrated and only the burning of his mark showed him who exactly you mother was. 

Sometimes you wondered how it would be for you. Would the black markings on your body stay black? Would they switch colour at the moment you touched? And how would you know you just meet your soulmate? Would you feel pain? Adrenalin? Or could it be something entery different to you?

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