To My Future Child

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Whenever I start to write something, I always think about how I can make it perfect; that when someone finally gets to read my musings, that they will be perfect. When I think of writing to or for you, I want it all to be exceedingly perfect.

But after reading things that my mother, your grandmother, had written to me to read when I got older, I have come to realize that those thoughts don't need to be perfect. They just have to be real.

So, after reading the journal my mother gave to me, it inspired me to write something real to you.

You have not been born yet, but considering the circumstances, you will exist someday soon. And all I do know for one hundred percent certainty, is that your father and I cannot wait for that day to come.

We cannot wait to snuggle our faces into yours. We cannot wait to wipe your tears away if you are crying. We cannot wait to see the joy tiptoe across your face when you are smiling.

And I cannot wait until the moment where I can hold your tiny hand, or feel your tiny kisses, or just look into your bright and wondering eyes, just like my parents did with me.

Your grandfather was such a wonderful man; one so full of lifelong wisdom and peace. I wish that you would have been able to meet him because I know for a fact that he would have loved you so much. Maybe even more than I could; and let me tell you what a feat that would be.

Your grandmother will shower you with love as well. I know this to be true. And I hope she will teach you some of the many things that she has taught me. The most important—finding someone, whether that be a good friend, a best friend, or a lover, that has the same yearning for life as you; that wants to share in the same adventures as you; that loves in the same capacity as you.

Just like your father and me do.

Though the world is tumultuous, I am ready and willing, as a mother, to bring you here into this life. I am excited to meet you. I can't wait to meet you. I love you with all my heart already.

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