its my party i can cry if i want to

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"Ok everyone, rehearsal is dismissed!", Ms Jenn called out, her voice ringing in the bomb shelter. Suddenly, 20 theater kids began to quickly pack up and run out before Ms Jenn changed her mind and made them run through Stick To The Status Quo again. Carlos Rodriguez, usually found glued to the side of said drama teacher, is now found chasing after one Seb Matthew-Smith into the hallway where he is talking with Ashlyn. "Oh hey Carlos", Ashlyn says, spotting the flustered choreographer. Running was never his strong suit. "Hey", Carlos replied. walking towards the pair. Seb and Ash were practically inseparable.
"Nice job today, Seb", Carlos continued. Although he would never admit it to anyone, Carlos had a huge crush on the boy. He could stare into those dazzling blue eyes for hours, if u let him. But, Carlos has been a victim of falling for straight guys far too many times to make that mistake again. "Thanks, it's means a lot coming from you", Seb responded, breaking Carlos' gaze with his sweet smile. It means a lot coming from him? What does that mean? "You know, Your choreography is so hard. I always think i'm gonna mess up", The blonde boy continued. Carlos felt his heart sink just a little. He had mistaken Seb's innate need to please everyone as some sort of romantic flirtation. Once again reminded that his relationship with Seb was platonic and professional. "Oh well if you messed up, I definitely didn't notice", Carlos said quickly, realizing he had been too mesmerized to respond to the blonde boys earlier statement. "What are u doing this weekend by the way", Ashlyn asked, naturally making her way back into the conversation. "Saturday, specifically."
"Probably eating a tub of frosting under the covers, watching Pitch Perfect on my laptop", Carlos deadpanned. The looks on both of the other students a mix between sympathetic and frankly, scared. "Oh", was all Ashlyn could muster. "I'm joking Ash, I don't have any plans", Carlos said, hoping they would take his very serious plans for this weekend as some funny sarcastic joke. Seb's smile crept back onto his face and he let out a little laugh. "Well, if your tub of frosting cancels on you, Ashlyn is having a little get together with some theater kids. You're welcome to come", Seb said sweetly as Ashlyn smiled and nodded. Any time Carlos can spend with Seb is a good time and it sounds much funner than watching Anna Kendrick sing about cups in the dark. Only one problem. "I really want to but, my parents are working and i can't drive", Carlos said. "Oh no worries, I can give you a ride", Seb responded immediately, a cheery grin on his face. "Oh ok perfect, I'll text you the address", Carlos said while grabbing his phone from his jeans back pocket. "I don't think i have your number though", he continued saying while scrolling through his contacts. Subtle, Carlos. "Oh I can put it in", Seb replied grabbing Carlos' phone from his hand and punching in his number quickly. "Here", He said, handing the phone back into Carlos' now extremely sweaty hands.
"See you tomorrow then Carlos", Ashlyn said grabbing Sebs hand and walking towards the door. "Bye!", Seb said turning back quickly and waving with his free hand. Carlos Rodriguez was going to a party with Seb. Oh my god, what was he going to wear.

After spending three hours meticulously picking out the perfect outfit for tomorrow's event, Carlos Rodriguez lay on his bed checking his phone. The green messages app icon egging him to send a message to a certain farm boy. What harm could it do?
He wrote a quick little message, hoping the boy would respond.

Hey it's Carlos, thanks for offering to drive me. I can send the address now if u want :)

omg no worries, u def deserve it after carrying this show on ur back, send me the address whenever idc🙃

Lollll i like choreographing for you guys (even tho sometimes u guys don't listen🙄) but thanks for the compliments
The address is 2231 Park ave

park ave??? ur fancy lol sorry for not listening btw that must be really frustrating i have adhd so sometimes my mind is just all over the place and also ur welcome!

Don't worry Seb, ur not the problem. U actually seem to be the only person listening sometimes also wdym fancy??

i try my best :))) isn't park ave where all the gated communities and rich ppl r? i only know bc ej lives around there and ash drags me with her when she goes over

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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