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ShadySide, 1977.
winter time.

it was colder in ShadySide than it was in SunnyVale. you had already turned your bedroom lights off, but there was still a lot of light come from outside, which was nice.
you hadn't been in your room since you moved, but it was oddly comforting to be there even if just for a little while.
you stayed on the phone with Will for a few hours but he eventually had to get to bed because of some stupid curfew that his mum created. you thought it was ridiculous because first: Will was old enough to not need a curfew, Nick didn't have a curfew and it was literally the holidays! it was a crime to have someone go to bed early during the fucking holidays!
but you couldn't really do anything about it, so you just went to bed.
you hadn't seen Alice yet, since when you arrived your grandparents told you that she was out with some friends and would probably be getting home late.
it didn't bother you much honestly, at least you could run from it for a little longer.
after some long minutes just staring at the ceiling, you hear the front door opening and you're so scared that it might be Alice that you immediately close your eyes and put your best "im sleeping" face on.
you hear steps across the hallway and hear them stop in front of your door.
it's silent for a little bit before your bedroom door opens up.
you don't open your eyes but you can literally smell the weed so strongly that you just know that's Alice.
if you weren't "sleeping" you two would probably already be fighting by now. but since you're not "available", she just stands there for a little bit. she slowly walks up to you and tucks you in carefully.
you almost can't believe it.
she takes her hand to your temple and caresses it for a second before leaving your bedroom.
maybe all is not lost.

the next day.

-here goes nothing.- you say to yourself.
you look at the ground and start to collect some small rocks in your hands.
once you have enough, you start throwing them at the window in front of you.
after a few throws, you finally see the window opening.
-what the hell?- Tommy asks.
-hi?- you say, unsure.
his always almost seem to glisten in the moonlight as he recognizes you in the middle of the darkness. but then it fades.
-go home Alex.- he says, closing the window and getting back inside.
-wait, wait.- you try to say but it's too late.
you get some more rocks and throw them at his window until he decides to talk again.
the window opens once again and he looks at you with a tired face, almost as if he was saying "alright, go on".
-can we talk?- you ask.
-Alex, please, not now.- he says.
-Tommy, if you don't come down here i swear that i'll climb up to your bedroom.- you threaten and he can't help but to laugh a bit.
-yeah, right. you're terrified of heights.- he says and you shrug.
-i am but if that's what it takes for me to be able to talk to you then i guess that's what it's got to be.- you say.
he smiles a little bit but then shrugs.
-go home Alex, it's late.- he says.
-alright, i'm coming up.- you say, looking around at the rocks and wondering how you'll get there.
-okay, i'll go down. before you hurt yourself.- he says, rolling his eyes and disappearing from the window.
you walk to the porch of his house and wait with a big excited smile.
not long after, the door finally opens to reveal Tommy Slater.
-thanks Tommy.- you say with a big smile.
-god, you're doing that thing.- he says with a smile.
-what thing?- you ask teasingly.
-you know. smiling like that. i'm really trying my best to stay mad at you and you know what that smile of yours does to me.- he says with a soft smile.
even though you're not sure if it will work, you gently grab his hand and pull him into a hug.
to your luck, he immediately hugs you back.
because he's so big, you rest your head on his chest and get lost in his warm embrace.
it's winter time and somehow he still smells like summer.
in a city full of sadness and misery, Tommy always seemed to see the only shiny thing walking around.
well, at least to your eyes.
-i missed you so much, Alex.- he says into the hug and you nod.
-i know. i'm really sorry Thomas.- you say and he lets go of you with a smile.
-i just wish you told me, that's all.- he says.
-yeah, i know. it's just that this town is so— you try to form a sentence but he cuts you off.
-there you go again.- he says, exhaling.
-what?- you say.
-there you go with the "this town is cursed" "shit is doomed" discourse.- he says, a bit frustrated.
-but shit is doomed!- you say and he shakes his head.
-Alex..- he says.
-it's true Tommy. you just don't get it, do you? i love you but i just can't bring myself to stay here.- you say, in a more angry, loud tone.
-if you loved me you wouldn't have left me.- he says in a more defeated, honest tone.
-good things just don't happen around here, Tommy. i could've stayed but i'm sure that next thing we knew we'd be ruining each other's life's.- you say.
-i would never ruin your life.- he says.
you try to find something to say but nothing seems to come out.
-i'm sorry, Tommy.- you say as he opens the door.
-yeah, i'm sorry too.- he says before closing the door behind him.
you just stare at the wooden door with teary eyes.
you couldn't see it, but he was basically doing the same thing from the other side.
it was just a wooden door, but in that moment it felt like there was such a barrier between the two of you.
it felt that way since you moved to Sunnyvale, actually.
when you were there and you thought about Tommy, it was almost as if he lost all of his meaning to you.
but now that you were standing in front of his house, you couldn't escape the feeling.
it all came back to you.
even if he acted like he wanted you to go, he really wanted you to stay.
and for the both of you, in that moment, something real was standing on the other side of the door.
you take in a deep breath and take your shaky hand to the door, getting ready to knock on it.
but before you can even touch it, the door opens and you and Tommy smile at each other.
-just don't leave me again, alright?- he says and you nod quickly, almost jumping into his arms.

anyways i was listening to "The Other Side Of The Door (Taylor's Version)" by Taylor Swift and i really recommend listening to it while reading this! <3
hope you guys are enjoying the story <3
(also the reference to Deena's and Sam's talk on 1994 </3)

and don't you leave cause all i need is on the other side of the door <3

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