6. arguing, forgiving.

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Ranboo? What was he doing here?

"Are you ok?" He was shy, but I nodded anyway.

"I'm fine, thank you, though." he hugged me, and of course I hugged back. Holy shit though, the man was TALL compared to me.

"I can walk you back home, if you want. I think you live by me, Tommy told me." oh so Timmithy is now giving people my address? the fuck? I nodded. We then walked to my door, turns out he's really nice to talk to.

"We should play minecraft sometime. If it's ok with you... and if you do play minecraft." he looked down, embarrassed. I knew I couldn't see his face but I could tell by his mood was that he was embarrassed. I smiled.

"Sure. My discord is (user you want)."

"I'll add you on discord." I nodded.

"Alright bye y/n, it was nice meeting you." I waved goodbye then went to my room, and went to sleep.

« 9:50am, library, at college. »

I was about to grab a book, when someone came running to me. I turned mad faced them... BAM. I then got up and saw Karl in literal fear. I turned to see Quackity and Karl behind him with the same look. I gave them a puzzled look in confusion.

"Dream-." Karl was panting and then fell on the floor. The fucking library floor. I rolled my eyes and helped them up, man were they dramatic. The two kept pushing me until Quackity picked me up bridal style and led me to where Drista and Dream were... literally fighting each other. I just stared, watching it happen. I then fell to the floor, and looked up at Quackity.

"What? You were heavy!"

"Pfft, no I'm not. You're just weak." I scoffed, got up, and continued watching.



"NO IT ISNT-" Dream caught his breath."ITS MINE I KISSED HER I SWEAR" Drista then put her fork down.

"Really..?" They stopped fighting.

"Yes. I'm really sorry Drista I shouldn't have done that. I regret it so much it didn't mean anything" I felt tears in my eyes as Dream said the last sentence. I then went over to Drista and hugged her.

"I'm so, so, so, sorry Drista."

"No I'm sorry, I said all of those things and-" I cut her off.

"It's fine. I get it, you just may need some space." She nodded.

"So... are we good now-" I cut Dream off.

"It didn't mean anything so our 'friendship' doesn't mean anything. If that kiss didn't mean anything, then why'd you kiss me?" He went silent. Everyone went silent.

"Come on, I'm waiting." he sighed.

"I really like you y/n but Drista...I can't risk having my sister hate me" I sighed. I knew it was right but- wait. HE LIKES ME? I just stared. I then walked back to the library and some m&m's. Good.

« time skip: 8pm, dinner, at Drista's.»

I was eating supper at Drista's house with her and.. Dream was in her bedroom.

"Hey y/n?"

"Yes.. Drista?"

"Did you like it?"

Like what?

"Did I like what?"

"The kiss."

"Oh, uhm.." I sighed. That kiss.

3rd person pov:

Dream came out of the bathroom, but y/n didn't notice and kept talking.

"I think? Well I may have caught feelings. He acts like I mean the world to him and cares for me! He's really nice and.. I guess I like him, too."


"No?" I gave her one of the most confused looks I ever had.

"You don't like him. You love~ him" Drista stretched out 'love'.

"You're not mad..?" Drista laughed at y/n's statement.

"No, of course not!" y/n smiled.

"Well.. I'm probably going to go home and play some minecraft with Ranboo. See you later, dris." y/n hugged Drista and then left to her house.

Okay first: Y/N LIKES ME- and second: who the fuck was Ranboo? Wasn't he Tommy's friend or something?

"Oh shit," I heard Drista say as she looked up at me. I did an awkward laugh.

"How much of that did you hear?" She was nervous.

"Not much. I just got here." I lied, knowing she probably didn't believe me.

"Oh, erm- okay then." she then ran to her room. Now, online stalking time. Who was this fucker called Ranboo?
I headed upstairs to my room and went online. I also went to Tommy's insta and looked at who he followed. I clicked on the profile 'ranboolive'. matching users with tubbo, cool.

He was tall, wore a mask and glasses that covered his face, and brown fluffyish hair. There was a lot of pictures with him, Tommy, and tubbo. Mostly tubbo though. I then noticed y/n was following him and he was following her. Y/n had insta? I clicked on her profile. She was with Drista in 3 of them, then 7 others had her and Leo. They were dating for 3 years. I sighed.

Was I even good enough for y/n?
« 869 words »

love you guys dm, remember to eat and drink every day !!

- Matthew <3

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