[II] - Faithful Soul

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The south-east part of the kingdom was covered with a large, stretching from one border to the opposite, complex of woods. Dense forests were commonly engraved in the lands of Arlene, making this part of the country one of the hardest to travel through. But people were commonly using this as an opportunity to smuggle illegal things, and this cases specialized in human trafficking. To the misfortune for others, the Marquis's family was the one guarding the borders here, with their power skills and experienced knights, no one suspicious could pass by, making the territory of Foyers a rather calm place.

The forest in this part was intensively dense, to the point that barely any light came through the wide crowns of the tall trees, mainly great oaks and maples, but there were also other species rarely scattered around. The bark of those trees was dark brown because of the shadow their leaves gave. But one could say that at night the color changed into the pitch-dark void, a fatal blindness labyrinth, making everyone who entered the deep forest late, lose themselves for days, falling into insanity, not knowing the exit even when the day comes. That's why barely any people dare to cross it, many local people say that this forest is a house for mysterious creatures, vile or not, no one comes out of the meeting safely. But for some weird reason, whenever the family of Foyers sends out the best of the south-west chivalry, none could detect any monsters on the grounds of the forest, as if the so known danger was made up, disappeared in the thin air. But when the issue is ignored, the monsters dare to attack again. This problem arises over a decade ago, with no one yet to fix the "spectral monsters".

That's why no one dared to traverse through the forest's heart, afraid of being severely injured or even dead by an unknown force. But now, it appears that someone took the shortcut of the road, linking the two cities on the south of the Arlene Kingdom. And as if called by the evil forces, was stabbed in the heart in the middle of a bright day, but not so bright under the hat of the shady woods.

The white-haired knight was rushing quickly on the horse with the same color as his being swept by the wind hair. A major question was ruffling around his head, who was so foolish that they took this passage, knowing of its infamous stories? That's straightforwardly inviting yourself into the dome of the trouble.

His companion didn't care enough, the only worry in his head was that he will have to clean his robes after a sudden fight. But the thoughts of a rare, real battle, made his blood boil in excitement. His father gravely forbidden him taking a part in any dangerous actions, as he, as the only son of Foyers, was of a great importance as the only heir to the line. But he didn't care for that either, what mattered that he can show his skills in a true fight, not a set battle by his older knight comrades. The wind of freedom blew his hair from his face, and the natural smell of the air being pushed in his nose drills made him excited, to the point that he already wanted to pull the sword out from behind his back.

The two young knights rushed like two eagles high above the ground. The sky was limitless to them, as the experiences and expectation were for the two youngsters, with the forest wind blowing their robes. They could hear the noises of struggles and battles coming with every second. This large forest was a one big echo chamber, with every sound being reflected by the wide tree trunks, the sounds were trapped in an infinite loop. The lucky ones who could hear the most mysterious, were all saying that there is no worse nightmare orchestra than this one. It's another point to add when talking about the ferocity of this place.

Going upon, the two young men were worried, that their place of destination is going to be further than they expected.

But they were surprised, as at one point of their haste rush, they reached the stream that was coming down from that place they were just at, the Emerald Meadow. They realized that the stream, after the last great rains in the kingdom, must have taken a detour from its original course, leading through the border of the forest. The noises they heard were probably being carried by the stream.

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