Chapter One: Found Family

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When the Dursley’s told Harry that he was going on their holiday to America with them he was ecstatic. Thinking that his relatives were finally going to love him the way a family was supposed to.

He stopped believing that as soon as the cab stopped in front of an alley in New York City.

His Uncle shoved him out of the cab harshly and he landed on the concrete with a pain-filled groan, “You deserve this, boy,” Uncle Vernon snarled, “All we’ve ever done for you since your no-good parents died is provided you with a roof over your head and clothes on your back. And you’ve been nothing but a whiny brat ever since. Good riddance.” He slammed the door and barked an order at the driver before the vibrant vehicle drove off, leaving a five-year-old Harry Potter alone in a foreign city.

The young boy stumbled into the alley and sat on the ground, curling into himself in a tight ball and trying not to cry. He didn’t know how long he sat there, shivering in the cold alley with silent tears running down his cheeks.

Then he heard footsteps and heavy breathing, Harry stood up and stepped closer, hiding behind a dumpster. There were four kids at the other end of the alley. A blonde boy that looked around fourteen years old, a girl about thirteen with spikey, black hair and two other kids that looked about seven years old. One of them had—were those donkey legs?

“Did we lose them?” Asked the young girl with blonde hair.

“For now,” The older boy responded, breathing heavily, “We need to get moving before they catch up.”

The girl with black hair looked around the alley before her eyes landed on Harry, who was still hiding behind the dumpster. She grabbed the blond boy’s arm, “Luke, wait.”

“What is it Thalia?” The boy named Luke asked, looking around the alley.

The girl pointed at Harry, “There’s a kid here.” She stepped closer with a small, reassuring smile on her face. “Hey kid, you can come out. We don’t bite.”

Harry stepped out from behind the dumpster, wringing his fingers nervously, the girl smiled at him, “There you go, my name is Thalia. What’s yours?”

“Harry,” he responded shyly.

The older girl furrowed her brows, “You don’t sound like you’re from around here, where’s your family?”

“Th-they lef’ me here.” Harry said, on the verge of tears.

The blonde boy stepped closer, brows knit together in concern, “Left you here as in you got lost and they’re looking for you?”

Harry shook his head, “No, they pushed me out of the car and drove away.” He looked down at his feet and closed his eyes, trying his hardest to keep himself from crying.

Thalia opened her mouth to say something but she was interrupted by the boy with donkey legs, “Hey guys? They’re getting closer, we should probably get going!”

Harry looked at the other boy in confusion, “Why are his legs so hairy?”

Luke raised an eyebrow at him, “You can see him?”

“Um, yeah? Am I not supposed to?”

Thalia smiled, “Not normally. Say, Harry, would you like to come with us?” Harry looked up at her with eyes filled with hope.

“Thalia,” Luke hissed, “What are you doing?”

Thalia glared at him, “Inviting him to come with us, what does it look like I’m doing?”

“But what if he’s not a demigod?” 

“What if he is?” Thalia shot back, “Then we’d just be leaving him for monsters to come by and kill him. He’s just a kid, Luke.” Harry felt fear wash over him in waves, monsters were coming to kill him? And what was a demigod anyway?

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