chapter 11

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When Oikawa left the infirmary, there were still a couple of hours remaining before dinner. It had been a nice day outside, but still it was possible that many of the inmates had migrated back inside to rest in their cells before showing up for their meal.

Oikawa supposed if that was the case, he would just have to infiltrate Block One and hope for the best. It wouldn't be the first time he'd done it.

When he cracked open the door to the yard and peered outside, he was relieved to find that hardly anyone had moved since he'd fetched Semi from the picnic tables. Block Two was still in the usual spot, Hanamaki dealing cards as if he was on a Vegas payroll. Kuroo had settled into the grass beside the walking path, accompanied by three of his friends that Oikawa didn't know. Block Four, with the exception of Bokuto and - now that Oikawa was thinking of him - Akaashi, was on the basketball court, their game winding down.

And Block One was still at their regular table, right where Oikawa had left them.

This time Oikawa approached with more composure. His nerves were still raw, but speaking with Iwaizumi had calmed him down. Oikawa had seen firsthand that he was in one piece, and he knew he would stay that way at least for a couple of days, until he was released back into general population.

By then it would be safe for him. Oikawa would make sure of that.

"Ushijima... -san," said Oikawa as he drew level with the Block One picnic table, adding the honorific as an afterthought. Ushijima had never seemed to care for such formalities before, but Oikawa needed to be respectful for once in his life. "Can I speak with you?"

"Of course, Oikawa." Ushijima nodded across the table, at the empty spot left by Semi and Tendou's absence. They were probably still in the broom closet. Oikawa had a spiteful hope that they would get caught, as he and Iwaizumi had done, but retracted the thought immediately. He didn't have any ill wishes toward them, not really. They'd helped him. He wouldn't have gotten into the infirmary without them.

Oikawa glanced down the table at the other Block One inmates. Shirabu in particular was watching him with sharp speculation.

"Can I speak with you alone?" Oikawa amended.

Ushijima considered him, silent. He made a small gesture, one that Oikawa wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't been watching him so closely. As if they'd received a command, the other inmates stood as one, moving toward the door.

The display of authority was impressive. Oikawa may have cared more, if he hadn't been so preoccupied with Iwaizumi. He sat across from Ushijima, folding his hands on the edge of the table. He slid a quick glance to the side, toward his blockmates a few tables over. They were pretending not to stare, but doing a terrible job of it.

That didn't matter. There was enough distance between them that he wouldn't be overheard.

"Are you speaking for yourself," said Ushijima, "or on behalf of your Block?"

"What do you mean?"

"Iwaizumi is out of commission," said Ushijima, ignoring Oikawa's slight wince, "so I assume you have taken charge of Block Two until his return."

Oikawa just stared at him. He didn't know how long all of his blockmates had been in prison, but it was certainly longer than his stay. "Why would I be in charge?"

Ushijima shrugged. It was a slight motion, but his shoulders were so broad that it was like a shift of a mountain. "You are here speaking to me while the others flock together like sheep. It lends the suggestion of authority."

Oikawa almost said something to his blockmates' defense, but shook his head and let it go. "I'm just here for myself. I'm not in charge of anything."

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