Chapter Nine

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The woman sat behind the desk, she had known that two kids would enter the hotel and when she saw the young Winchesters enter her hotel she knew she had to let someone know about it. Picking up her phone she dialed the number and placed the phone to her ear. It rang at least three times before someone picked up the phone on the other end. 

“Hello?” said a voice on the other end. 

“Hey boss,” said the woman. “I was told to call once the Winchesters arrive?”

“That is correct,” answered the voice who sounded distinctly male. 

“Well, they’re here, and trying to solve this case,” she said. “But there’s something you should know…” she started but was cut off with her boss saying something before she could even utter the last couple words that were on the tip of her tongue. 

“I have been waiting to meet Sam and Dean for years, I didn’t think that this case would catch their attention,” the man said. “Keep an eye on them Gen, i’m sure that once they figure out what’s really going on around here maybe they’ll think twice before trying to kill people like me,” 

“Sir…” Genevive attempted to begin again. “You should know that…”

“I don’t want to hear anymore of it,” responded her boss. “We can’t keep talking on this phone, there are ears everywhere, keep an eye on them and don’t let them out of your sight I’m counting on you,” With the last couple words her boss had hung up on her. Genevive groaned in annoyance and slammed the receiver down. Her boss was going to be completely surprised to find out that Sam and Dean weren’t the people he was dealing with. In fact, she had a distinct feeling that something was going to happen but she didn’t know what. Meanwhile, in the oldest part of the hotel, a man dressed in all back had hung up the phone and was now walking down the dimly lit hallway heading to a certain part of the hotel that was laid to rot. 

No one had traveled through that part of the hotel in years, wallpaper and paint were peeling on the walls and old chairs lay in different rooms. He continued to walk down the hall until he arrived at one of the largest rooms in the oldest part of the hotel. There wasn’t much of anything in the room except for a large pentagram in the center of the room. For the most part, it wasn’t anything for the people to be worried about, he made his way over to one of the walls which held an old candle stick making sure that there wasn’t anything to worry about, unless they looked extremely close. He reached out his hand and pulled the candlestick back, a hidden door slid open allowing the man to step through, he entered the room and saw some of the town’s kids ranging from twelve to nineteen. This had been part of his plan, each of the kids he had in this hidden room were unconscious in cages some of them had their wrists tied others were handcuffed to the wall. 

The man already had four kids, but there was one cage that was left empty. On the top part of the cage, it had the word hunter carved into the cage. That cage he had to make specifically for a hunter, one that had been purified. Maybe even stronger than any other hunter combined. That was all he needed to bring someone back. He walked over to a large statue in the center of the room, it was the statue of one of his distant ancestors way back during the Salem Witch trials. She had been taken from the world too soon, especially when no one understood the magnitude of her abilities. People like him had been treated like freaks and he was done with it, he was ready for the Winchesters to come and stop the spell. 

“Soon, she will be back and this world will come to an end,” said the man. “This time, the hunter will become the victim instead of the hero,” Back at the police department, Emma and Ezra were busy asking the officer some questions trying to get to the bottom of the situation. 

“So, these disappearances, do you know if your daughter had seen anything out of the ordinary?” questioned Ezra, though Emma was trying her best to act like a regular human being she felt that everything that Ezra was doing was kind of overthinking the entire thing. 

“Such as?” Officer Mather asked. 

“Like did she say she saw something strange before she vanished or was it more along the lines of smelling something?” Ezra asked. “Did she smell sulfur?” 

“No, she never said anything,” Officer Mather explained. Emma thought it would be a good time for her to jump in and ask a question. 

“Why are all the townspeople so mad at you?” Emma asked. 

“They’re not mad, but they’re scared,” Mather said. “They think that these disappearances were started from a curse that my family placed on the town years ago,” he continued. “But I find it bullshit, considering my own daughter was taken too, they blame me for the kids disappearing,” he kept going. “Explain to me how that’s even possible? Especially since my daughter was also taken,” 

“Officer,” Ezra said thinking that he was starting to put a couple things together. “How many kids were taken?” 

“At least four,” Officer Mather responded. “Why?” 

“That’s all we needed to know, and don’t worry,” Ezra said reassuringly. “We’ll find your daughter and bring her back,” Ezra didn’t want to say anything because he could feel how worried the officer was. He was hoping that his kid was safe, this time Ezra knew what he was going to do. He was going to find the kids and bring them back; he just needed to figure out the truth. 

“Please do, I can’t bear to lose her,” Officer Mather said. “She’s my daughter,” Ezra nodded and together, he and Emma walked out but what Emma saw from Ezra was compassion and she could tell that he really wanted to help. Emma caught up to Ezra as the two climbed into the impala and started heading back to their hotel. 

“Why did you tell the officer that you’ll bring his daughter back?” Emma questioned unsure of how to approach the situation. “You don’t even know where she is,”

“I know,” Ezra said. 

“Then why say it?” Emma asked. 

“Because, I could feel that he was hurting,” Ezra explained. “He’s had a big loss in his family, first his wife is killed, next his daughter goes missing and…” 

“Wait, how did you know his wife was killed?” Emma said in surprise. 

“I could tell from how he was feeling,” Ezra said. “I could also see the look in his eyes, the man is scared,” he continued. “The point i’m making, is that it’s called empathy, Emma, I’m also determined to save those kids even if it means putting myself in danger,”

“This is about proving you can work a case isn’t it Ezra?” Emma asked. Ezra gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. How could she bring that up? Especially at a time like this? “Ezra, are you sure you’re proving to dad that you can work this case?” she continued. “From the way it looks you seem to be trying hard, maybe you should think whether you are either proving this to yourself or to dad,”

“I know what i’m doing Emma,” Ezra said even though he had been thinking an awful lot about proving a point. The rest of the ride had been silent until eventually they arrived back at the hotel. 

Salem {Ezra Winchester #3} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now