Chapter 2

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Yuuji's PoV

I wake up feeling warm and four arms hugging me "Ngh.." I hear a small soft voice calmly saying "shh.. go back to sleep it's only 5:42 am.."
I yawned hugging the person who said that

Sukuna's PoV

'hes so cute when he's sleeping peacefully..' I think to myself holding him closer to me and holding his waist with my lower set of arms my upper set of arms using my arm to make a pillow for Yuuji while the other one playing with his hair while falling asleep again

2 Hours later..

I wake up to see Yuuji gone I get off the bed smelling tasty food I follow the sent to see Yuuji something

"Yuuji what are you doing it's only 7:26...what are you making anyways?. It smells yummy" I ask him "Oh, It's just Pancakes with Fruits on the side/top" "Whats that?" "You can say it's cake but different"

he said as I sat down at the table waiting for the food to come 5 mins later the food ,pancakes, came I took the fork, stabbed it and put it... Surprisingly it was taster then any dish I ever had

Yuuji's PoV

"Woah woah calm down you might choke, Here have some water and calm down" "we need 100 more of these there so good!" "Is my cooking that good?-" I asked him while eating calmly after that

I hear knocking at my door I tell Sukuna to go inside me I see him coming closer kissing me softly on my lips, after half a minute I open my eyes to see he's gone 'Wheres he?!' "You know I can hear you right?" oh yea I forgot he can read my mind

I open the door seeing Gojo-sensai Nobara and Megumi

Oml this turned out so good and guys I might or will make two or three chapters a day or two so yea, Say safe guys! Hope your day/afternoon is going well! (人*'∀`)。*゚

355 words wow- that's a lot and ima see how many words I had in chapter one and two

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