Chapter 3 ( Jay Reports for Duty)

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The men bustled Jay into the fort somewhat happily. One shoved her left shoulder making a remark " haha new grunt help me clean my armor" another tussled her hair laughing " short stuff probably never gutted a hoshidan before. Suddenly a large bang and slamming of stones echoed the halls.

Jay quickly drew her sword as the rest of the man started running outside. To see what made the noise. Jay followed behind terrified and excited all at the same time.

As she looked into the dimly torch lit corridor she witnessed a group of faceless smashing down the gates. The roars were deafening as the soldiers charged into the them. Steel clashing blood spraying as limbs fell. The faceless were being dismantled quickly as the soldiers were working together mages drawing them into fire balls and melees piecing and trying to avoid the swings. A few soldiers lay dead or gouged. Fist shaped holes and organs lay around the courtyard. Jay stared at the dead men. The stench she could feel herself vomit.

Jay shook her head and followed suit. She would not let them die in vain. They fought to protect these lands. Jay would do the same. Quickly she lept over a faceless corpse thrusting her sword into the armpit of a distracted faceless . It was bashing on an armored knight. Her sword drew blood and it sprayed out into her face almost blinding Jay. The faceless turned to face her. The metal grail over its face and small beady eyes stared into her as it gagged and growled and lunged at her . Jay sidestepped avoiding its left fist as she met its right hand full force with her sword tip.

Jay shoved the sword into its hand feeling bone. The faceless towered over her. It was massive. The size of 2 maybe 3 men. Before she could react she heard a yell and the sound of cracking bone. The faceless fell over holding its leg. The armored knight she had helped had split its leg with an axe. Jay smiled looking at the knight . Another roar and Jay was launched back hitting her back on a barrel she couldnt breathe.

Jay gasped and gasped but couldnt breathe. Clutching her stomach she was coughing blood. Jay was getting dizzy looking around everything was getting quieter. Jay gagged starting to catch her breath. Looking up she saw a huge wall of flame emerge from the woods and engulf the largest group of faceless. The smell of burning flesh and cheering men was almost more than she could handle.

Officer! , Officer ! The men cheered. As the last faceless was being cut into. Its hands and feet was cut off. The faceless was pulled into the center as the men were watching it die slowly. Blood pooled now drenching Jays hands and feet. She felt sick.

Looking towards the wall she swore she recognized the man walking towards the fort. It was none other than Adrian. Jay felt a hand pull her up. " Cmon grunt " Jay gasped and fell back down clutching her throat still having difficulty breathing. The man who tried to pull her up grabbed her by her torso and slung her over his back. Jay was wheezing and tearing up feeling a sharp pain like a knife was digging into her chest. Suddenly everything was spinning and Jay fainted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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