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It had been three years since you were mysteriously returned back into your village after about a week of your memory had seemed to be completely erased prior to your return. Many mind sensory shinobi had tried to get information from your mind and tried to get into the darkest part of it, but nothing seemed to succeed. 

To be fair, you didn't know why your village wanted to get into your brain so badly considering that they never told you anything about the situation at hand, so really you were completely left in the dark. 

You felt lost and found it completely unfair that no one would tell you what was going on, considering that multiple tests were ran through your head for months on end without you getting a say in it. 

The first time you tried to complain about it to your Yukikage, he completely shut you down and told you to just do as you were told because 'some things are better left unknown', you had always been taught to respect your kage so you stopped pestering him about the matter. Although that didn't stop you from pondering about this entire ordeal. 

After a year of the intelligence division in your village not being able to find what they were looking for, (even after they even asked other villages for their help as well), they gave up on you and their mission. Finally you were left alone able to live your normal life again, yet you were still left confused with everything. 

You were now twenty-two and a well respected high ranked kunoichi, just like when you were nineteen. Everyone knew your name, but you could never shake off the feeling that they all knew something about you that you didn't. 

About four months ago is when you had a dream of a mysterious handsome silver haired man, you couldn't particularly remember the contents of the dream itself except for him crying into your shoulder and blabbering about a 'promise'. 

You've never been superstitious or believed in any of those tall tale myths, but this struck you as a sign. You had recalled a time when someone had told you that if you remember one of your dreams it's a sign. 

Although that dream was a one time occurence so when you didn't encounter a silver haired man, or anyone telling you about a promise they made to you, you simply let it go and forgot about it. 

You had brushed your teeth and had gotten ready for bed, you checked the clock and it was already one in the morning. 

"God I have to get to bed." You muttered to yourself. You turned off your lights and crawled into bed. The silence across your apartment was serene and calming. You were almost dozing off to a deep slumber until a you heard few bangs at your bedroom window. 

Your mind immediately went into combat mode. Who the fuck could it be at one in the morning? Why didn't they just use the front door? So many questions were flooding your mind at once. 

Thankfully it was pitch black, so whoever was outside wouldn't see your shuffling movements. Without making any noise, you grabbed the sharp kunai that was in the drawer of your nightstand. You held it firmly, you still didn't know what you were going to do, but when you were in the state your mind usually made the best decision without fail. 

You crouched down on the hardwood floor and made your way to the bedroom window sill. You could see a dark shadow figure right outside of it. Your heart was beating out of it's chest. But you slowly opened the window, that was dangerously already unlocked.

Wow what a nice serial killer, polite enough to knock first instead of forcing their way in. 

You opened it and immediately the figure came into your room as though it were a street cat coming in cause it felt entitled to do so. You backed yourself up into the corner making yourself as small as possible, to make sure they wouldn't see you. 

As you could see that they were about to turn around, you did your infamous jutsu.

"Water: Elevated Streams!" You yelled. 

Suddenly streams of steel like water grabbed the intruder's neck tightly. With your other free hand you turned on your light and witnessed the man that was struggling to breathe because of your jutsu. 

You got closer to him and took off his hood. You paused, but not dismantling the jutsu. 

He had silver hair and beautiful intoxicating purple eyes. 

"Who are you?" You asked. 

You waited for a response, but you then realized that he was on the brink of passing out if you continued choking him with your jutsu. You quickly released him from your grasp. 

He was breathing and panting heavily holding onto his neck as though it could come off his shoulders any second now. 

"Damn this is like deja vu, like when we first met Y/n." The purple eyed man breathed.

"How do you know my name? Purple eyes?" You questioned.

"Wow this really is like deja vu." The man paused to look at you, the look in his eyes looked genuine with love. "I promised that I'd come back to you didn't I Shaky?" 

Hidan the Jashinist: A Fem!Reader x Hidan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now