~The beginning of the end~

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Astrid POV:

I looked down from my balcony to the radiant white clouds, which were positioned perfectly under Olympus, my home.

I was born into this hell hole which in reality wasn't hell at all.

Olympus is a beautiful haven where the sun was consistently bright and rainbows managed to find their way to make a perfect semi circle around the palace.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful but everything was too perfect, which meant i had to be perfect. Especially since i was daughter to Ezekiel, the king.

His words always play in my head "when i grow too ancient to run Olympus, you know where your responsibilities lie".

Being heir to the throne always made my head spin just thinking about it. I'm not fabricated like the other angels whom are optimistic, patient, honest, determined, the list goes on and on.

I always wondered what it would have been like to be born in the under world. It is forbidden for angels and demons to cross the border, it may stop me physically but not mentally.

The story's I hear of the shadowy, evil place makes my heart pound with excitement. Demons are opposite of angels. They are supposedly cold hearted, wicked, psychotic.

I don't think i'd fit in there either but maybe better than Olympus. I do ok here but i know once my father passes this place will have no hope.

The only thing i would be delighted about is maybe just maybe i could break the curse and have the upper and under worlds reunite. But that would be just crazy, right....

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