Chapter II: A Bloody Locker

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I woke up the next morning snuggled against my cushions. I did my regular routine of getting washed then I put on my black school uniform. This consisted of my white shirt with a black blazer bearing the schools emblem, A black and white kilt and long black socks. I slipped my necklace around my neck. I left my hair loose over my shoulders as I liked it that way. I took my phone off charge and picked it up, I texted Sky 'Hey meet me outside my house in 10'. I then phone in hand walked down the staircase.

As soon as I got down I was greeted with my parents faces. I smiled, "The bloods fresh we just got it an half an hour ago!" My mum said. I sat down at the table and I drank the goblet of blood in front of me and wiped my mouth with a napkin. I then grabbed my phone off the table where I had put it and placed it in my bag. "Thanks," I said,"Bye mum and dad," i said opening the door. I closed it and straight away I was greeted by Sky.

"Hey girl," she said, "why did you say we have to leave so early?"

"I wanna be there when the chaos unfolds," i replied. She laughed,

"Did you study for the test today?" She asked already knowing the answer.

"You know the answer to that question, No of course I didn't!" I said laughing.

We walked the rest of the way to school whilst laughing and chatting. I saw Kayla a girl in our class sitting on a bench in front of us on her phone. I remembered that I still had that picture of Cassandra's corpse on my phone. I whispered to Sky "Distract her I'll frame her," Sky nodded. Sky went over to talk to her she put her phone down beside her on the bench. I grabbed her phone and sent the photo to it then deleted the message that I sent it as so it couldn't be traced back to me..Great now the photo was on her phone so I could frame her. I placed her phone back beside her on the bench. Then I started to act. "Come on Sky we are going to be late!" I said grabbing her arm pulling her away. Kayla looked so confused, it was so funny. "Did it work?" Sky whispered to me.

"Yep," I whispered back. I giggled and by then we were at school. We talked in the hallway until we heard Stephanie's voice. Ugh she was so obnoxious. I thought to myself let the chaos begin.

I watched as she opened the locker and immediately her face turned into disgust then horror. She whispered "Cassie, wake up I know this is a prank," "This isn't funny Cassie," I smiled who has this girl not figured out she is dead.

Me and Sky got in the crowd that was gathered around the locker. I got a good look inside the locker. Cassandra's eyes were rolled back so you could only see the whites of her eyes.  I saw Stephanie's hand reach towards the piece of paper I stapled to Cassandra's jumper. She ripped it out of the staple and unfolded it. Her eyes went white when she read what it said. She started to read the note out loud.

"Humans have overlooked us for too long. They have destroyed our kind forcing us to adapt to them. That's all going to change. They don't know what's coming for them, vampires will once again roam this earth freely.  No matter the costs."

She spoke each word with a trembling voice. Sky looked at me with a smile, I looked back  at her with a wicked grin on my face.

There was worried murmurs from the crowd. Stephanie fell to the ground wailing. Moon ran through the crowd confused she had just arrived.

She looked in the locker and was shocked, then her shock turned to anger. "Who the hell did this!" She said keeping her tone normal but I could tell she was fuming.

"Who was it," she said,"It was one of the people in this school I know it." No one said anything, Moon's eyes are darting around trying to find anyone who was looking suspicious. Suddenly the school bell rang, I winced why couldn't the bell be replaced with 'Students go to your classes' instead of an ear ringing noise that will make you death. I walked to my class, it was art. Yay (that was sarcastic) trust me I would love art if we didn't have to draw buildings, it's not like I'm going to be an architect!

I sat down in my seat at the back of the class. "Hey girl," Lucia said sitting next to me.

"Hiya," I said, "wow we really have art boring,"

"I know right?" Lucia said agreeing, "Did you see the drama with the dead girl?"

"Yeah," I said getting out my drawing sketch from my art folder.

"It was kinda cool I don't see what the fuss was about everyone hated her anyway," Lucia said continuing her drawing.

"Mhm," I agreed "everyone except for Moon, Stephanie,"

"Bet she wishes she got to kiss Aaron before she died," Lucia said. I laughed, I guess I did it too loudly because the teacher looked at me and immediately asked "Miss Grey care to explain what Miss Cleash said that was so funny?"

"She was telling me a joke to cheer me up after what happened this morning," I said innocently

"What exactly happened this morning," she asked.

"A girl was found dead in a locker Miss Featherstone," I said in a mock sad tone. Her eyes widened, "you are joking right," she said her tone changing to be serious.

"She's not lying Miss," Moon said.  Looking up from her drawing, she was my best friend.

"They can't be best friends anymore because she's dead," Lucia whispered to me.
I said nothing. I started to think about something what if a killed all the teachers there would be no school! I think I'm going to do that. My plotting was interrupted by the school bells ring drilling into my ear. I rolled my eyes. Stupid bell. I got my bag and put away my thing careful to make sure I didn't crease my art. I grabbed my bag and walked out the classroom, I was heading towards my locker. I had a black book holder, a black hoodie, black hairbands, a picture of me, Lucia and Sky together at a festival and a stress toy my locker. Before you ask the stress toy is a necessary. You would understand if you had one in ,"your locker.

"Hey," A girl said behind me. I turned around to look at her. "Moon wants to see you second floor, classroom 15 at 12:20." She said.

"Ok," I said, "Can you meet me at the back of the school after school?" I asked.

"Sure," she said uncertainly. She walked away from me, great Moon suspects me. That's just great isn't it. I sighed I looked at my watch, 11:05. Better go to class I thought, music is next.

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