May 2, 1976

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Sophie woke up screaming.

    It was a normal occurrence, but as he ran down the hallway, still in his pajamas, Felix couldn't shake off the feeling that this time felt different. He flung open the door and sat on her bed, trying to comfort her as she sobbed into the shoulder of his t-shirt.

    "What happened?" He asked her quietly. He knew what happened. It was the same dream, over and over. Sophie was running from something, something she couldn't see or hear, but that she knew was there. Running in the dark.

    "It-" She hiccuped, "It was the same dream as always but I-" Sophie hiccuped again, another sob ripping itself from her lungs. Felix felt horrible. He knew most of what happened to Sophie was his fault. Everything was Felix's fault. God, he should never have had that drink at that stupid fucking party.

    "I turned around."

    Felix nodded, trying not to worry any more than he already was.

"What did you see?"

"It was this... this horrible blue thing. It was rotten and it smelled so bad..." Sophie took a deep breath, and Felix felt his stomach drop. God, this sounded familiar.

"And when I looked into its eyes... Jesus Christ, Felix it had human eyes. Like... these brown bloodshot eyes and it looked so sad, but it was smiling with all these horrible sharp teeth and it was leaking blood and it was all this sharp metal," she took another deep breath and put her head in her hands and sobbed. Felix stared at the far wall, by the door. He felt like crying as well, but he also wondered why Sophie had dreamt of Bon. Or, her father's corpse, stuffed inside that horrible animatronic. He was glad that thing was in K-9 now, so it couldn't hurt anyone else.

"Well, it was just a dream. It can't hurt you," he whispered after a moment of painful contemplation, "...Do you want breakfast?"

Sophie sniffled, nodding before getting up to go to the bathroom. Felix made her bed for her, knowing she would forget, and went downstairs to start on some pancakes.

Meanwhile, Sophie was staring at herself in the mirror. She couldn't see the thing watching her, but she could feel its presence.

It was shaped like an anthropomorphic sheep, and, despite the waves of reassurance and love coming from it, Sophie was terrified.

"What do you want from me?" She whispered hoarsely, continuing to stare into her own eyes, bloodshot and red-rimmed, sunken into her face. They were the same dark brown as the monster's.

The ghost, of course, didn't respond. Sophie couldn't even be sure it was there. Maybe it was just paranoia. She hadn't taken her pills yet for that day. Yes, that was it. She grabbed the bottle from the medicine cabinet and swallowed the pill dry, pushing that feeling of being watched out of her mind as she left the bathroom and went downstairs.

Felix was making pancakes. Sophie loved pancakes. She set the table and got the orange juice and the syrup.

They ate in silence.

"I have to work late today. Can you walk home?" Felix was washing the dishes now. Sophie hadn't noticed that he'd finished his food. She looked at her plate. When had she finished her own breakfast? The pills made her memory spotty.

"Y-yeah. Actually, I was going to hang out a bit with Jenny today."


"My friend from school. I brought her here last week, remember?" Sophie hummed and handed Felix her plate. He had a bad memory too, but it was better than hers. They were two peas in a pod. A very, very fucked up pod.

"Ah, yeah. I remember that. What are you guys going to do?"

"Well, the Spring Festival is tonight-"

Felix dropped a plate, and it made a loud noise as it hit the metal interior of the sink. Sophie yelped and hid her face in her hands.

"Shit, sorry Soph," he pulled off his gloves patting her shoulder gently, "Just... it must have slipped out of my hand. Silly me. Are you alright?"

She whimpered, but nodded, "Uhm... I'm going to get ready."

Felix hesitated before nodding, "Alright. I'll just... finish the dishes. Be careful at the Festival tonight, okay?"

"It's just a kid's party, Felix. I'll be fine."

He watched her as she left the kitchen, going up the stairs to her room. Felix sighed. It had only been two years since The Accident? Two horrible, miserable years. And somehow, in that time, Sophie had forgotten all of it. When he asked her about her parents, or poor little Edd and Molly, Sophie would get a thoughtful look on her face and say, "I can't remember tham. Can you tell me about them?"

She thought they had all died in a car accident while she was at a friend's house. It wasn't exactly wrong, per say. But it was still a lie.

To protect Sophie. To keep Sophie safe.

It was what Jack would have wanted of him.

Felix heard Sophie leave for school, and he sighed.

It was what Jack would have wanted of him.

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