Prologue: I just woke up and I'm getting murdered

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Hello! Welcome to my new story!
Welcome to the AU where everyone is born with an ability!
Everything is explained in the story!
Feel free to come up with theories! I read them even if I don't respond!
Update schedule will be very irregular!
I hope you guys will like it!
Some warnings?
There will be murder! And death! (duh)
Enjoy reading?




Eyes opening slowly, the bleached-haired male sat up. Confusion filling him. Where... was he?

"Luz... ageᄅㄥ५..." A soft whisper barely audible and he halted, freezing. Why can't he remember anything else? His memories were jumbled, unable to form together and make sense.

Taking a deep breath, Luz stood up, a rapier attached to his side. Placing a hand on its handle, Luz looked around, noticing he was in a plain field.

Closing his eyes, Luz whispered softly again. "Luz... ageᄅㄥ५... I need to find him."

A new objective. He knew what he had to do now... but who was him? No matter. He'll cross that bridge when he reached it. For now, he had to focus on getting to know where he was and find a way to look for-

"Hello~" Before Luz could understand what was going on, his body felt heavy and he was forced into a strict stand by the music in his ears. "Welcome to my Death March~"

Death march? Who was this blonde boy...?

"Oi, stop playing around." Appearing out of thin air, a girl with blonde braids looked unamused... but more importantly, unaffected by the music that rang and controlled Luz's body. "Quickly."

"You heard her~" Moving his hands like he was conducting music, the boy grinned at Luz, watching his hands latch onto his rapier and lifted it to his neck. "Die quickly."

Ah, and he just woke up too... was he already going to die?

"Thou shall not die."

Rapier flying out of his hands, Luz blinked in confusion as he watched the two panic.


"Shut your mouth."

A different voice this time, one deeper than the first.

"Sou-kun, you're up~"

"R-Right!" A male with greyish hair stepped forward, throwing a small white terubozu in the sky before pointing at the two blondes, his eyes slightly glowing blue. "Let's judge fairly... My Fair Lady."

A noose appeared around the boy's neck; the other end connected to the terubozu that flew even higher than it was thrown.

Coughing violently, the blonde boy's eyes widened as he grasped at the noose, trying to pry it off.

"Beta!" the girl screamed, glaring at the three newcomers.

Turning around, Luz caught a glimpse of the other two who saved his life. A raven-haired male with a bored expression with a sword by his side and an albino with bright red eyes, holding a large scythe.

"The murder twins... though I'm surprised the older sister doesn't have blood on her hands." The albino pouted slightly. "Either way, you won't see another day."

Gritting her teeth, the girl clenched her fists before she smiled shakily at the albino. "Oh really?"

Holding onto her brother's ankle, the girl stuck her tongue out. "Too bad you underestimate us." Leaving it at that, the two disappeared just as quickly as the girl had appeared, the terubozu doll falling to the ground lifelessly and the noose disappearing.

"They actually got away..." Sou muttered softly, gently picking the terubozu doll up, hugging it close. "Sorry..."

"It's fine Sou-kun, we didn't know she would be scot free." Walking over, the raven-haired male patted the grey-haired male gently before turning to Luz. "Who are you?"

"Soraru-san, give him a breather! He just nearly died!" Pouting at the older, Mafumafu picked up the rapier that was flung away before holding it out to Luz. "Are you okay? Soraru-san can be a little cold but he's really nice!"

"Oi." A huff from the said male.

"No, it's fine... My name is Luz." A small polite bow as he accepted his rapier. "Thank you for saving me."

"It's no problem! My name is Mafuyu Aikawa, but most people call me Mafumafu! The grumpy one is Yuudamari Soraru and the other one is Sou!" A pause before Mafumafu stared at Luz intensely. "So? What's your power?"

"Mafu-kun. Don't be rude." Soraru warned, making the albino pout. "But Soraru-san! I'm curious!"

While the two bickered a little, Sou approached Luz with a smile. "Nice to meet you..."

"A-Ah... same goes to you..." An awkward smile from Luz. "And about this power you're talking about... I do not have one."

"Eh?! That's so rare!" Mafumafu gasped dramatically, making Soraru roll his eyes.

"If I may ask... where are we?" Luz tilted his head. "I'm a traveller."

"Oh? That's even rarer." Mafumafu nodded, crossing his arms with a nod.

"I see... then what is your purpose, traveller?" Staring Luz down, Soraru looked a little more serious.

"To find him." Luz replied, swallowing a nervous gulp. Was that acceptable enough? If they asked any more... he wouldn't know...

"I see. Then, we should go to Senra-kun." Soraru nodded at Mafumafu, who jumped in joy and finally kept the large scythe away. "Let's go~!"

Taking Luz's hand, Mafumafu dragged him along, leaving the two behind.

"Nee Soraru-san... what is a traveller?" Confused to what the three were talking about, Sou asked softly.

"A traveller..." A hesitant pause before he continued. "A traveller travels the different worlds in our universe... but their travelling has a price. They would at most... remember their purpose. Everything else is forgotten."

"That..." It was so sad! Sou couldn't help but find sympathy for the bleached-haired male. To forget everything just to travel for a single purpose...

"They made this choice by themselves; they know the price. There must be a reason that meant so much to them they are willing to give up their memories." Soraru patted the younger before walking forward. "Let's head back. You did a great job today."


~Chapter end~

Did I mention I have two OCs here?

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