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If you give a chance to control time, are you going to change your past?
Or would you rather see your future?

At eleven o'clock in Mizuki's room, she was in deep sleep. suddenly there is an unfamiliar voice asking these questions:  
"Why do they hate me?"
"I want to talk to them."   
"But I can't. I don't have the strength."
"It feels like they will push me away if I go near them."
"Why? why? why?!"
"Why am I feel so lonely?"
"Mom, why did you leave me with grandmother?"
"Where are you, mom?"
*Frightened voice*

Elementary days of Yuko

"Okay, Students I want you to introduce yourself here in front, One by one. okay?." the teacher said in a happy toned.
"Hello! everyone, my name is Mizuki, Yuko. but you can call me by my first name hehe." Yuko bowed her head respectfully. "From grade one class three, nice to meet you all." With an excited look on her face.

After the greetings, Yuko sits in the front row. Yuko was a very cheerful kid, enthusiastic, kind, and specially chatterbox.
She makes friends in the class, they are Akane, and the other one is Mai. All three of them are always eating together, chatting with each other, playing at the park together.

They are best of friends until they step into grade four, And all three of them are classmates again.
"This year is going to be awesome! and a lot of fun!" Yuko said in a happy toned.
"Yeah!" Yuko, Mai, and Akane shout in the pit of their lungs with Laughter and joy.
But one day, their friendship shattered when Yuko accidentally tells her other classmates that Akane has a crush on Mizuha. After that, Yuko tried to apologize and make up with her but Akane didn't even listen.

A few weeks later.

"Yuko. I'm so sorry for leaving you, I...I should have listened to you first. but I'm scared that others will set their eyes on me." Mai cried on Yuko's shoulder.

"Hey, we should go to the park and talk to Akane and make our friendship back again," Mai said with a bright fake smile.
They both walk their way to the park. Yuko was very happy until...

"I brought her." after they got in, Mai said with a smirking face.
"She finally arrived" Akane was sitting on a bench. after she sees Yuko, she stands up. "Girls do it," Akane said with a villainous look.
"What are you doing!?" Two girls started grabbing both of Yuko's hands. Meanwhile, the others are throwing trash at her and do some horrible things to Yuko.
"Please let go of me, Please... I'm begging you." Yuko cried and agitated.

"Enough girls!" Akane said After she was satisfied with the scenery.
"that's what you deserved" Akane walk towards Yuko, and she pulled Yuko's hair. "You stupid chatterbox!", "If you didn't tell everyone that I like Mizuha,"
"We are supposed to be friends until now!"
"Because of you!"
"HE REJECTED ME!"Akane said with a crazy look on her face.
After she tells all of that, they leave Yuko with scars and bruises. Other girls are laughing while walking. But Yuko was so Desperate she couldn't do anything but shed her tears.

Yuko went home. she locked herself in her room, she wanted to tell her mother about what happened, but her mother is always busy at work. Yuko didn't even bother to tell her about the bully incident.

"W-W-Why Akane?" Yuko sob "T-the group you were in, that's the same girls who forced me to say about your feelings to Mizuha." Yuko in a demented toned.
"They threatened me, I-i-if I won't tell them, they will hurt you and Mai. I just want to protect both of you so, why?" Yuko started to snivel. "Why Akane, why are you with them now. WHY!" Yuko was so mad. she started blaming herself for what had happened.

Yuko wants to save her friends. She carried the problem alone but, in the end, she suffered the most.
Days have passed by after the incident.
Yuko and her mother were cooking for their lunch. Both are happy making it together.
Her father left his phone on the table while taking a cigarette in the backyard.

"Yuko, can you please clean the table. So we can eat," Her mother said while she was chopping the vegetables.

"Yes, mommy. I will handle that," Yuko said in a joyous voice. while she was cleaning the table, and the phone started ringing. Yuko looked at it and saw the message.

"I'm waiting here, honey." A random woman named Chihiro.

"Mommy! Mommy, look at this." Yuko picks up the phone and then rushes her way to her mother.

"it's daddy's phone" Yuko hands over the phone to her mom. When her mother started reading it, she was utterly shocked by the message.

"Hey, mommy, is daddy going to be a pirate? He always taking cigarettes hahaha."

"I wonder who is that?"

"Maybe one of his crew hahaha."

"Hey, mom"



"That's enough" Her mother is completely spaced out about what's happening. "Please." calm voice.

"But mommy, are you okay?" Yuko was worried about her

"I said enough!" And suddenly her mother gone mad.

Her mom didn't know what to do. she was displeased about her husband cheating on her.
It should be a happy and pleasant day for them. Yet it turns out to become a disaster.
Yuko cries because her mother got mad at her and dashes towards her room.
The next day, Yuko's father will move into the other house. Her father is about to ride to his car.
"Where are you going, dad?" "Mom is gonna be lonely without you daddy," Yuko asks him in a wretched tone.

Her mother is looking at the window. Before he answers Yuko's question, he looks at his wife.

"it's your fault, Mizuki," he said to his daughter with a calm voice.

Then he left. Those were his last words to his daughter. That time Yuko got a huge trauma.
After her father left, Yuko runs far away from home and ended up in an abandoned hotel where no Ones were around. She sits down on a couch and started crying, frightened, and asking these questions to herself.

"Am I the one who is wrong?"
"Am I a bad girl?"
"Did I do anything wrong?"
"Why?" "Why?" "Why! is this happening to me!?"
"First was my friends, and now my father leave us?"
"I don't understand why?!"
"It's my fault because I speak too much?!"

Yuko was Shouting and started calming, And she remembered the story of Romeo and Juliet that her mother used to tell her every night before she sleeps.
"I wish someone reach me the way Romeo fights his love for Juliet."
"My prince. please," She whispered, "save me."
And suddenly it started raining she went outside watching the rains dropping.

A month has passed
Her mother leaves Yuko to her grandmother with a letter.
She decided to work abroad, her last words for Yuko was:
"Take care" "Don't get sick."
Then leave without looking back. Yuko was crying, and she can't even say a word. she's just looking at her mother in the car's window while it's moving.


Yuko wakes up sweating, catching her breath, and when she looks at the clock, she realizes it's already six in the morning.

Back to the current time, the clock in Sakurai high struck at nine in the morning.
The prof announced that there would be an upcoming event at Their school.
"We will be having an event next month," The professor said
"I've already chosen who will be the representative of this class."
He wrote the names of the participants

"Okay, first is."

"Ms.Yuko Mizuki"
"Mr. Akari Himari"
"Ms.Yui Hatsumi"
"Ms.Yuki Michiru"
"And last Mr. Koharu Nozumi"
"This is the list; I hope you will do well."

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