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(Welcome to the first chapter of Desolation - Book One of Kira's living nightmare. I hope you all enjoy reading the story and the intense roller-coaster behind Kira's character, and the agony she's been through in order to survive. Thank you for your support everyone and enjoy the book!)

WARNING: This chapter contains violence and scenes which are not suitable for younger readers.

Copyright ©2015 by Holly Sparks

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

This book is a world of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locals or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

~*~ For this chapter I have chosen Give You What You Like by Avril Lavigne, it expresses how much pain Tori has been through ~*~

Chapter 1


          "Another drink, sir?" I lean my boney elbows against the glass counter of the bar.

          Looking out of my eyes, my very heavy eyes I must admit, all this extra makeup really weighs a ton, I watch a group of guys, each one wearing a plush blue suit and equally striking ties as they push each other around the dance floor at the back of the small club. They grab different girls by their skinny arms, rubbing up against each one to the music. I can't help but roll my eyes at the scene before me. Rich kids.

          "That and your number, love." The dark eyed stranger leers over the counter. I immediately stand back, out of reach. Good grief, his breath smells rank.

          He isn't the most handsome of characters, but yet by some miricale he still thinks he's in with a chance of trying to score a night with the lowly bar maid. I don't think so.

          "Here you go." I place the glass on the bar, half of the contents spilling over my cheap, chipped nail varnish. Not that the stranger notices of course, he's more interested in pulling up the girls skirt next to him.

          I roll my eyes yet again and clean the spillage. Leaning over the bar, I feel an arm nudge me in the side. I look up to see Brett. His golden eyes that immediately lock onto mine. He wears his normal shirt and jeans and his usual cocky grin. His blonde hair falls into his face covering up his half shaven eyebrow on one side.

          "Thank god you're here." I breathe out a sigh of relief. I thought I was going to have to man the bar solo tonight.

          "Missed me then?" He winks and I stick out my tongue.

          "Me? How I swoon for those riveting jokes of yours when your not here to entertain me." I laugh, trying to raise my voice above the thumping music.

          "Do I hear a hint of sarcasm?" He grins.

          "I missed you, Brett." I smile and he laughs.

          "I knew you liked me Tori, it's too bad I'm already taken." He smirks, as if pleased with himself.

          "By the amount of slut's exiting your flat every morning?" I smile mockingly.

          "For some reason I find your sparkling personality almost, charming."

          I grin and serve another few drunken groups. All these rich kids are the same. No worries, no debt and are mostly all assholes.

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