4. PUSHING DAISIES (ft. robert pronge)

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originally published august 4, 2021

pairing: lee bodecker x fem!florist!reader x robert pronge

request: Can I request some angst where both Mr Freezy and Sheriff Bodecker want you??? 👀👀👀👀👀 - chris/colby whore nonnie

summary: when robert pronge comes to town and wins you over, lee bodecker knows he needs to put that man in his place.

word count: 2,380

warnings?: i think this counts as a dark fic, pov switch halfway through, angst, major character death, murder, pet names (pretty girl/little flower/petal), not proofread

warnings?: i think this counts as a dark fic, pov switch halfway through, angst, major character death, murder, pet names (pretty girl/little flower/petal), not proofread

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Most days, you dreamed of leaving Knockemstiff. You'd grown up in the tiny town, and you knew every inch of it. You knew how Margaret at the bank was getting a divorce from her husband Frank, who'd slept with his co-worker Nancy, who was the brother of George the grocery store owner, who was arrested for public indecency and public intoxication after going on a binge at Ricky's bar before running out into the streets where he went on to urinate in a sewage drain. You knew how the high school was on the verge of shutting down due to a mold issue. You knew vaguely of the sketchy dealings going on in the town and you knew to look the other way lest you wanted to get hurt. And, sure, there are things you loved about the town. You loved that everyone in your family was there—a built-in support system. You loved that traffic was never bad. That, while there wasn't a big box superstore in town, at least there enough Ma and Pop shops to make it so that you didn't have to leave town for anything if you didn't want to.

But, you know, you wished you could go on and move to a bigger town or maybe the city. You so desperately wanted to spread your wings and fly, but you were tethered to the ground. Knockemstiff had a ball and chain clasped around your ankle, forcing you to remain in the place you always knew and always would know. Your only solace was your flower shop. You'd saved up for ages to get it open, working double shifts at the diner from the time you were able to start working until you finally, finally could reach your dream. It did really well too, as far as flower shops were concerned. The middle and high schools always had dances going on, so boys would come in to get corsages and boutonnières and girls would order bouquets. Husbands who worked too late would buy flowers for their annoyed wives. The elementary school, around Earth Week every year, would order seedlings to teach the kids how to raise flowers. Yeah, it did well.

You still so desperately desired to leave, though. Perhaps that was why, when stranger Robert Pronge rolled into town, you were drawn to him so easily. In retrospect, he wasn't the kind of man you would be attracted to. You liked softer men, the kind that had power and control and looked like the sheriff. But, Robert had seen the outside world. He'd lived there, he had tales of other towns and different ways of life. And, he liked you, indulged in your questions, cooing as your wide-eyed stare while he told you stories of his ice cream truck—could you believe it? a real ice cream truck! you were so sure those only existed in movies, until he brought one to Knockemstiff—and of the previous places he'd lived in. His little flower, he called you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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