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originally published june 16, 2021

pairing: lee bodecker x fem!reader

summary: you're his candy girl, and you got him wanting you.

word count: 975

warnings?: reader is sorta manipulating lee but not really? (she kinda Pavlov's him into liking her, or so she thinks), pet name (buttercup), sexual innuendos, sexual fantasies (nothing that's very explicitly described), not proofread, i wrote this in about an hour do not judge for its shittiness

warnings?: reader is sorta manipulating lee but not really? (she kinda Pavlov's him into liking her, or so she thinks), pet name (buttercup), sexual innuendos, sexual fantasies (nothing that's very explicitly described), not proofread, i wrote thi...

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It started with a sucker. A harmless little gift to the sheriff as he stopped by the bank, coming to withdraw some money. He always chose you, calling you his favorite teller, leaving you a giggling mess. No man had ever made you feel the way Lee did, all eager to do whatever it took to keep his attention on you. You weren't keen on the idea of having to soon marry, to settle down and start a family, but if you had to, you knew that Lee would be a great choice. He would treat you right, you were sure of it. And you wanted to treat him right, too. So, when he came around to the bank on a lazy Friday afternoon to withdraw some money, you decided to give him a little treat.

It was no secret that the sheriff had a sweet tooth. Everyone knew it. The ladies down at the grocery store would make little bets about which pack of sweets he'd pick up. And you? Well, you listened, internalizing all of his favorite candies and flavors, carefully picking out what you were sure he'd love. So, when you counted out the twenties, laying them out in front of him, you reached into the little dish you kept beside you, placing a little cherry sucker right on top.

His tongue darted out, licking his lips, as he looked down at the candy. "That for me?" he asked.

"It sure is, sheriff," you said.

"You do this for every man who comes to make a withdrawal?"

"Only for the sweet ones."

He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Keep this up, and next time I come, it'll be to make a deposit."

The innuendo was not lost on you. For as sweet as Lee was to you, you knew of his escapades with other women around town. You couldn't fault him for it, though. What was it that your momma always said? That men have needs, that they don't settle down til they absolutely have to? Well, if that was the case, then you would have to make sure that you gave Lee every reason to settle down with you.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you, buttercup?" he asked, eyes raking down your body as you hid a giggle behind your hand.

"Oh, sheriff, you know I always love when you come down here," you said. "Doesn't matter what it's for."

"Then I'll make sure to come just for you, buttercup," he said, popping the sucker into his mouth while he put the twenties in his wallet. He moaned at the taste. "Lord, wonder if you're almost as sweet as this sucker."

"Keep coming back, and you might just find out."

Lee knew exactly what you were doing, and he loved every second of it. He'd been sweet on you for as long as he could remember. You were a rare piece of goodness in Knockemstiff, and he'd been determined to make sure no one had ever dulled your light. He chased off any would-be suitors of you, explaining to your momma and daddy that those men would bring nothing but pain for their darling little angel. Swore he'd marry you, with their permission, if they'd just give him time to get you a nice ring. They agreed, and why wouldn't they? The wife of the sheriff is something any woman would die to be. But only one woman was fit for the role.

Now he knew that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. Why else would you get him some of his favorite candy, have it just ready for him to pop by the bank? Yeah, yeah you wanted him. And he'd make sure you got everything you ever wanted. All you'd ever have to do is say the word.

It was time, he decided, to finally propose. That's why he'd been at the bank, to withdraw the money to get you the perfect ring. He'd been scouting out the local jeweler's for months now, trying to decide what diamond would look best on your pretty little finger. And he was sure he found the right one. It glittered and gleamed, sparkled just as brightly as you.

And, as he looked down at it as he sat his cruiser, he couldn't help but imagine what it'd look like on your hand as you stroked him while you look him in your mouth. How it'd feel against his scalp as your gripped his hair. How he could look down at it as he traps your wrists in his hands, taking you from whatever angle he wanted. Hm, would it be too soon to go back to the bank now, get down on one knee right in front of everyone?

No. No, he should do this right. First, he'll go to your daddy, show him the ring and officially ask for your hand. Then, he'd get a reservation at the nicest restaurant in town, woo you with the best meal he could afford (though, he was sure that whatever you could cook would be a thousand times better). And, as the night would wind down to a close, he'd get down on one knee, profess his love for you, and you'd have no choice but to say yes. He wondered if he could get some free dessert if he did it in the restaurant. Yeah, yeah that would be good. He'd probably go for a chocolate cake, be all sweet and feed it to you. Yeah, that was what he was gonna do.

He passed by the bank as he drove to your house, glancing over at it with a smirk on his face. Oh, if only his sweet little buttercup knew the life he had planned out for you. He couldn't wait for it all to begin. 

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