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one year ago
age sixteen

lynn is going to cry.

and she really doesn't want to cry in the middle of a cafeteria, but she might.

because amelia and ranboo won't stop talking about it.

why can't they keep their dating lives to themselves? because, news flash, no one cares.

except lynn, but she'd really just rather not hear it.

what did she do to get here?

what did she do to be forced to hear about her best friend and she devil's wondrous date.

who even likes stargazing anymore?

lynn used to like it.

it was her and ranboo's thing when they couldn't sleep.

now amelia has invaded it and is trying to ruin lynn's life.

she still isn't sure if it's on purpose, but there's one thing she knows, and it's that amelia doesn't really like her.

they have their moments, when they both make fun of ranboo because he did something stupid, but otherwise,

amelia hate's lynn.

the feeling is mutual, really.

there's not much to like about her.

she's got soft curly brown hair, coffee brown eyes,
curves that could make her pass as a model,

she makes hip dips look prettier than they already do.

which is somehow possible.

so, it's safe to say, that it's not fair.

nothing is fair.

because lynn is the complete opposite of that.

she has natural, almost plaintum blonde hair, green eyes, and she's tall.

really tall.

but not as tall as ranboo, he towers over everyone.

which is why even the football players don't mess with, although they aren't aware that he could probably barely throw a punch.

and, amelia knows the whole team.

of course she does.

lynn's only other friends that aren't ranboo, she's not even going to bother mentioning amelia, are tommy and tubbo.

they became friends in seventh grade, when tommy accidentally threw a basketball and lynn barely dodged it.

ranboo was mad.

but tubbo who was just watching everything play out, assured them both that tommy didn't mean to.

which ended with them eating lunch together and soon spending time at eachothers houses.

apparently tommy and tubbo had been best friends since kindergarten.

or maybe preschool, she'll have to ask them about that.

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