letter #19

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~two years later~

Alex said he had something to surprise me today.

he gave me not contests clues just to be ready by 5pm and to look nice.

so we dressed up and left Alex had a full basket of food in the back of his car.

this might be morbid but we have picnics at Oliver and summers grave stones often just so that we can see them.

when we finished our food I saw the nervousness on his face as I watched him, why was he so scared? we just had a date.

before I could say anything he ordered me to stand up and I was confused at first but I agreed, I had a weird feeling come across me.

omg this is like the movies, isn't it?

but he kneeled down on one knee in front of me leaving me in not much shock as he eyes began to tear.

what a big baby...

I say that as I tear up more than I thought I would.

but I couldn't blame him as I started to see nothing but a blur myself as he held my hand kneeing in front of me.

"Amara golds, I think I knew the day we met in that children's playground when we we so young and you took it upon yourself to help a kid who feel that we were meant to be together. I'm not gonna say that our time to get to this point was anything less than hard but we made it work and we loved each other every second along the way and we will continue to forever love one another. so I ask with everything in my heart, Amara will you do the honers of being my beloved wife and marrying me?", he vowed.

"yes! yes! a thousand times yes!", I repeat leaping into his arms and holding his neck while I kiss him like no other time before, we kiss so passionately, so dearly I don't think anyone could ever love another more than we love each-other.

and so Alex proposed...

I wouldn't say we didn't take things slow but we didn't take them exactly fast either.

were happy with our lives even if most of it has been lived through heartache and pain trying to find ourselves with the lose of our friends and challenges we have had but we got through it, together.

I think the most beautiful part of love is you never have to do it alone, you'll always have the other helping you through it in our case, never living the others side. Alex is my everything and I his.


*one year later*

its march 4th

I can finally say that I can look in the mirror at myself and smile.

I no longer see the girl that I once saw who killed Oliver. no, I see a strong happy woman about to marry the one of her life and I couldn't be more happy knowing Alex is my home and I will always have him.

It's so fucked up that you can go a life time without someone before you meet them, but the day you meet them you can't go a second without them with you.

Alex is the one thing I cant live without, when I die I want him by my side every step of the way I don't care how much it kills me. I want to be in his arms surrounded by his scent consumed by his every breath and movement.

the dress is far from anything ive ever seen before. its a

floral dress with sleeves that have see through fabric so you can see my arms on full display with a boxy or sauce neckline.

my veil has been attached to the messy type bun that lays on the lower part of my head to neck. with a attachment on the top of my head. my lips have more pigmentation going with the more natural makeup I've choose.

I walk onto the pathway made for me to walk on.

I make eye contact with Alex and I melt searching his eyes with happiness as he does the same also scaling my body in aw.

Some how on this god forsaken world he found me. Whatever however our souls meet I know they were made from the same thread, we are one and made to stay together.

my better half, as we made our vows and set out for the last few years we had together we lived happy in the others arms.

you are my everything and no one can compare.

I loved you more than I can put into words from the moment I slayed eyes on you to now I always knew I was gonna be your even through the fear and everything I had you there to keep me in check.

without you now I am loss and alone I can never love another no matter the promise I made to you on that bed of your last moments you my darling are irreplaceable.

words can fill my head when I read your words you have but they will never compare to having you with me.

We were each others drug, I hadn't realized how addicted I become until I went through detox the rest of my miserable life without her.

The world can come and go so forever but a dream can go through endless memories, for I am yours and our soul are one. you are an unbreakable soul and I am unbroken because I had you.

I walk down to meet him and he hooks his arm around mine as we stand in-front of the priest and walk closer.

I looks over and see two empty seats where it would sit summer and Oliver should be. I left the maid of honor position open for her, Alex left the best man spot open for Oliver.

"you are the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on. I believe I've just fallen eve more in love with, Amara"

I look over and smile at him as we get closer to the priest and stop.

its all perfect and so much more than I excepted.

"dearly beloved we gather here today to join two souls together, Amara golds and Alex smith if there is any objections please speck now or forever hold your peace", he begins looking around as no one says anything.

"we may now begin... who here gives this woman away to be with this man?", he continues as Amara stand up and specks.

"I hear theses two have some vows to make but they made them in private easier today", he announces as all eyes fall to me.

I dont think we ever got to that part, we kinda got...held up.

"amara golds do you take this man to be you lawfully husband"

"I do", I responded cheerfully.

I slide the ring onto Alex's hand with a wide gummy smile.

"Alex smith, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wife?"

"I do", he responded, his eyes never leaving mine as he stared at me with contact and desire.

Alex slide the ring onto my hand with a smile so bright.

"well then... from the power invested in me I now pronounce you wife and husband you may now kiss the bride", Alex didn't need him to say another word as he stepped me off my feet and took me into his large hands and kissed me dearly and with more possession than he ever has in his whole life time.

and we turned and ran away with each-other before he kissed me at the end of the aisle and carried me away off to our next journey together as one.

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