Tony S, IM.1 - Insomnia

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Plot: Reader has Insomnia and Tony doesn't know until he confronted her about why she hasn't been sleeping.

Every night, I wish I could sleep and that my brain would just take a break. But I can't. Thanks to my Insomnia, it's impossible. Every night, I would be either watching tv, reading, or just laying in bed staring at the ceiling. My boyfriend, Tony Stark, doesn't know about it. We've only been together for five months and I have lived with him for 2 months. Some nights I manage to sleep but not a lot.
I was currently in the living room, reading, while Tony was down in his lab like always and it was 1AM. I was too tired and focused that I didn't even notice Tony walking in. "Y/N? Shouldn't you be asleep?" Tony said and I looked up at him. I shrugged and went back to my book. Tony sighed and he gently took the book from my hands and sat next to me on the couch. I looked at him amd he noticed my heavy eyes and the bags under them. "When was the last time you slept?" "I don't know" He looked at me. "Hun, I know there's something wrong. I know you haven't been sleeping. You think I don't hear that TV on or seeing this lamp on every night and how I know you're not bed and not see you whenever I get the chance to walk by? I'm worried about you. Tell me, what's wrong?" Tony explained and I started to cry. He pulled me into his chest and comforted me. "I-I have i-insomnia. I had it my whole life. I-I didn't tell you b-because I didn't want you to worry about me." I finally explained. "Hun, you should have told me. I could've helped you. Now how about you and I go to bed and try to go to sleep. I promise that I will always be here for you, alright?" He said and I nodded. He stood up and picked me and carried me to our shared bedroom and we both lay down. I cuddle into his chest once more. "I love you, Tony." "I love you too, y/n." With that, I managed to fall asleep and I'm glad to have someone such as Tony to be my boyfriend.

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