Steve R, IM.1 - Bad Day

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Plot: Reader has a bad day at work and Steve cheers her up.

It sucks having to work at the cafe. You're always getting harrassed by guys because of how short out skirts/dresses are and always getting cat called. It's very uncomfortable. And you would also have to deal with crappy customers in a bad mood or something. Yeah, today was one of those days. I was walking to my car, wanting to go home after the terrible day I had. I sat in the car and when I did, I just broke down. I always never dealt well with stress and feeling under pressure. I sat there for about 5 minutes and decided that I needed to go home. I walk through my apartment door and I sat my things down and got a shower. Once I got out of the shower I hear the door open and close. I cautiously look and noticed it was my boyfriend, Steve Rogers. He noticed and saw that I was only in my towel and he quickly looked away, embarrassed. "I-uh sorry. I knocked but you didn't answer and I noticed your car so, uh yeah." "It's ok, well, as you can tell, I was in the shower and I didn't hear you. I'm going to get dressed real quick." I replied and I quickly went to get dressed and I came back out to the living room. Steve was in the kitchen and I snuck up behind him and turned around. He looked into my eyes and he got worried. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" I replied. "Your eyes are red and look heavy. Are you tired and have you been crying?" He asked. I look down and he gently lifted my chin. "I had a bad day at work. I got in my car after my shift and I cried because I was stressed and the customers I had to deal with today were horrible." I said and I started to cry. Steve pulled me into a tight, comforting hug as I continued to cry. We stayed like this for about 10 minutes until Steve got an idea. "Do you know how to slow dance?" He asked and I shook my head curiously. He brought me over to the living room and I had a vinyl that I listened to from time to time and Steve put in a record. Ot started playing a slow 40s song. He took my hand and I smiled. For hours he taught me how to dance and when I got the hang of it, we started to speed things up until we got tired and finally went to bed.

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