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When school ended the kids slowly made their way home. They took their sweet time about it though, Rae made it home, then Y/n made it home, Dal took the backyard.

Dahyun: "Hey dude, uh..Jihyo wants you to go start on your homework and when you're done she said-"

Chae: "To go to her room, you're still in trouble"

Y/n: "Okay..."

She ran up the stairs, sat down at her desk, and started on her homework. It took 15 minutes for her to finish everything, but she sat on her bed for another 10 until there was a knock.

Y/n: "Come in"

Jihyo: "Did you finish your homework?"

Y/n: "Yes ma'am, I'm so-"

Jihyo: "Don't worry, I understand" She sat down on her bed "You hate getting in trouble, I know. You get nervous when we get upset because you don't like that we're mad at you"

Y/n chuckled "I guess I've admitted it before"

Jihyo smiled "Yeah, but we're not mad, disappointed in your actions, yes. Will you have a clean slate after? Yes"

Y/n nodded "Mom, he was being mean to Dal, and I couldn't let that happen"

Jihyo: "I know you couldn't let that happen. Wanna know something about you"

Y/n: "What?"

Jihyo: "You would rather someone bully you or pick on you than your friends. I've seen it happen Y/n, you didn't care about them making fun of your love for dragons, but the second they started picking on Rae or Dal, you flipped and backed them up in a second"

Y/n: "Yeah, they are my friends"

Jihyo: "Exactly, you were in 3rd grade when that happened, you're in 6th grade, and you still don't let anyone pick on them"

Y/n: "I know"

Jihyo: "But the way it's going about is not the way to do it"

Y/n: "I know, I'm sorry mom"

Jihyo: "Look I was just gonna give you a quick spanking, but let's be real. Me and your moms want to do the same thing to Mr.Bae. So you're just gonna be grounded for one week, and you're gonna do dishes each day this week. Deal?"

Y/n: "Deal, so why did you say you're gonna get it"

Jihyo: "My mom used to say that to me, it made me nervous each time, so I decided to try it...didn't work, did it?"

Y/n laughed "No it did"

Jihyo smiled "Okay yeah I'll just stick to you're in trouble. Okay, so give me your controller, no games"

Y/n got up, grabbed her video game controller, and handed it to Jihyo "I'm sorry, again"

Jihyo: "How's your hand?"

Y/n: "Better"

Jihyo: "Good, but next time you get in a fight, I won't change my mind about the punishment, got it?"

Y/n: "Yes ma'am"

Jihyo gave Y/n a kiss on her head and walked out. It was quick, but she met Dal in the backyard under the treehouse since she can't climb up

Y/n: "Sup buddy"

Dal: "How was it?"

Y/n: "Avoided yet another spanking, just call me lucky"

Dal: "How do you do it?"

Y/n: "I don't know, I mean, I can't avoid it each time but I'm happy when I can"

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