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For the next 2 years, life has been considered normal, constant hang outs, dates, school, parents. Every weekend, one day is meant for Twice and Y/n. Any other day can be anything else. But now they do mothers/daughter day.

Y/n finally started high school, friends got lucky and was able to get the same class, so all they need to do is be good, and not get any trouble.

Y/n: "15 years old, and I can do whatever the fuck I want"

Dal: "You know that's not true"

Y/n: "....yeah"

Rae: "Well you sound like you're ready to rebel"

Y/n: "Yes...no. My moms are actually so chill. Chae has tattoos, they've dyed their hair before. They let me hang out. I have a 12 curfew when people have like 10 or 11. They don't get on my back about grades, as long as I don't fail...but that hasn't happened. So there is nothing to rebel against bc my parents are angels"

Dal: "And so are ours, with all of them hanging out, they have relaxed a whole lot"

Y/n: "Then...should we?"

Rae: "Well there is always sneaking out, going to parties, cheating in school, getting in a fight at school, staying past curfew, talking back, and that's all I got"

Y/n: "I don't know, maybe next year or in 2 years"

Dal: "Okay, no pressure to you"

Y/n: "Huh, no that's not why. I just remembered, after Boo passed and my whole depression stage. I got a new dog, Mama Momo got me a new dog, his name is Dobby"

Rae: "Yeah, it's only been 3 months. Lived a long 14 years, you thats really good"

Y/n: "He was a good dog. Well now I have Dobby, and the cutie is still getting trained, but he's picking things up"

Dal: "Like what?"

Y/n: "Well sit, stay, shake....attack"

Rae: "Who did you have him attack"

Y/n: "Chae....but it wasn't bad. Since he knows and trusts her, he just barked and jumped onto her. I got in trouble for that one, but not that much, it was part of the training. Chae helped me with that one, she volunteered to be attacked knowing he wouldn't really"

Dal: "What else"

Y/n: "To block the stairs like Boo did, he's good until they offer food. Boo would've growled still then later come back to accept the food"

Rae: "Well show Dobby the same amount of love"

Y/n: "I am, I know...I grew up with Boo, he was my best friend. But he's gone and he's in Heaven probably barking at my pet fish that's swimming around. Now I have Dobby who is his own goofy character and I love him, and he's still a puppy so I need to take care of him"

Dal: "Doing that is gonna give him separation anxiety"

Y/n: "Nah he stays in my room for a 2 hours everyday all by himself, then my moms let him out. Sure he's gonna know when time is up, but it slowly separates him from us so he won't miss us as much. And yes he has it now....he tore up my dragon, and that's my fault"

Rae: "He tore up your dragon?"

Y/n: "Stuffie...yeah. But after I cried to my mom for a good 3 hours, she had his stuffing back in him, and he was all stitched up. She also threw him in the wash, and none of the stitches opened up, and mom is good at what she does, he looks good as new"

Dal: "Don't tell you you hated that dog for while"

Y/n: "No, I scolded him for tearing it up because he's not supposed to tear anything up. Then I left, cried, and came back, but no I wasn't mad at him. Mom fixed it, and that's all that matters"

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