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Hi everyone! Thank you for being so very patient with me. I did not like the way this story was going. It was too fast-paced and dialogue-heavy. I have really developed my writing style since I started publishing my work here and on other platforms. Long story short I rewrote everything starting from the chapter 'The Eldritch Dark.' If this is your first time back to my story since before the rewrite I encourage you to reread from the beginning. It is going to be a slow burn this time with a lot more little moments that we didn't get to see, like the wedding cake tasting Lilith mentioned. Dorcas will reprise her role from my previous version of this fic, and people will talk about their trauma.Get ready for a long, turbulent ride.Let's be internet friends! You can follow me on tumblr @justateenagewitch & on Instagram @justateenagewitch3Updates will be every Wednesday/Thursday at Midnight CDT


"Cousin?" Ambrose asked, "Are you sure that leaving the two of them alone is wise?"

Sabrina finished lighting the last candle in the circle on the living room carpet and looked up.

Caliban and Nick were glaring daggers in each other's directions. They were both sizing each other up as if they were looking to fight, but Sabrina had made her opinion on that very clear.

Even though Nick might not follow her orders, Caliban would. At the very least, he wouldn't start anything.

"It'll be fine," she assured him, "It's not like we have any other options."

"Nicholas-" he protested.

"Doesn't look strong enough to astral project," she pointed out, "We'll only be gone a minute. In and out, right?"

"That's the plan, Cousin."

They settled themselves down onto the carpet. Sabrina didn't think she would be doing this again so soon, but the conditions were much improved from the last time. A soft, plush carpet was at her back instead of cold, unforgiving marble.

"Good luck," Nick said.

Caliban scoffed, "She does not need your luck, warlock."

She rolled her half-closed, heavy eyes, and sighed. She was definitely coming back to a murder scene.

When they closed their eyes they traveled to the cave where the 1949 disaster took place, where all those men were killed in the dark.

The entrance of the cave was bathed in shadows which was odd for this time of day. She could see stones blocking the tunnel. It felt ominous and ancient.

"Is this it?" Ambrose questioned.

She nodded and headed into the cave. They passed through boulders as if they were insignificant, not a force of nature that had the power to crush anything in their path. It was a little disorienting. The distance was short, but the walk seemed to take forever.

It was there. She was certain of it, and she was proven right when they came across a large pool of something dark and bubbling. It was blacker than black. All light was absent. A strange energy was radiating from it.

"That is either a tar pit or the source of Absolute Darkness."

She circled the pool before crouching down and extending a hand over it to get a better feel for its energy, "Can you feel that, Ambrose? Hopelessness. Despair."

Forget Hell invading her blood, the Darkness was invading her mind. It was so much stronger, so much more tempting, so much harder to resist. It was right there. It was close enough for her to touch...

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