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"Thank you, Harry, I don't even know what else to say. This is extremely extravagant." I laugh and pull a white cloth napkin from the table and put it across my lap.

He looks at me and I look at him. "Hey, don't mention it. I'm happy to see that you like it." he reaches forward and takes a large red grape form the bowl between us. He brings the fruit to his lips with his ringed fingers, and puts the entire thing into his mouth. I watch, probably with my jaw on the ground, until he gestures to the fruit with a questioning look. A look that said, 'have some?'

I am not opposed to eating in front of people, but the butterflies are overflowing in my stomach. I reach for my fork and stab a chunk of the dark red watermelon in front of me, bringing it to my mouth. It is too big to eat in one bite, but it'll probably be too messy to bite in half. I decide the latter, and bite it, a trail of red juice trails down my chin.

"Oops," I say with a half chunk of watermelon in my mouth, quickly regretting talking with my mouth open. I set my fork down, and grab a second cloth napkin from the table and quickly dab it up. Not before Harry caught a glimpse. I shake my head at what a fucking mess I'm being, and his smile turns into a full blown laugh.

I don't know if I feel embarrassed or not. He makes me feel like I can't be embarrassing, yet its my middle name. I chew the rest of my watermelon with a smile, reflecting on how dumb I just looked a minute ago, and he doesn't take his eyes off of me once. I should feel self conscious with all of this eye contact, but for some reason I don't, and that confuses me.

"So," he starts, "The reason I wanted you to join me for coffee today was twofold. One, obviously, was because I can't take you off of my mind and wanted to see you again at your earliest convenience." He says, and I flush. I am so flattered by that, Harry Styles wants to see me. It's so hard to believe.

"And the other reason?" I press. He takes a breath and I pick up my water glass. He's about to speak when the heavy metal of the rooftop door interrupts him. A small girl in a black apron pushes her way through the door and toward us. Harry clears his throat and turns slightly to meet the server.

I take a quick sip of water and set the glass down, listening to what the girl says. "Hi, Mr. Styles, how are you finding your brunch this morning? Can I get you guys anything to drink?" She says politely but informally.

"Were doing great, thank you. Can we get some regular coffee, add ins on the side? Thanks." He says, equally as politely. I feel kind of flattered that he ordered for both of us, something that is a real turn on for me. I can pretty much drink any type of coffee, so I'm not worried at all.

The waitress nods and walks back toward the door and down the stairs. When the rooftop was just us once again, Harry spoke. "What were we talking about?"

"Honestly, I don't remember!" I say, happy to just be present with him. He shakes his head but still holds a soft smile on his lips.

"It will come to me." He states. I nod and his eyes drift from mine and onto what I think is the clip he gave me. "Hey, you wore the clip! It looks flawless, truly adorable." He smiles warmly.

A sharp heat rises in my stomach and into my chest, his compliment washing over me and causing my arm hair to stand on edge. Luckily, my jacket covers it, so he definetly didn't see. "Thank you." I say sincerely. "By the way," I add, "I didn't know that you had packed that basket with a robe at the bottom, did you not think I already had one of those?" Granted, the one I did have was the one I had from high school, it was a dingy purple with pink and orange flowers embroidered across the bottom. It got the job done, and thats all that matters, right?

He laughs, "It wasn't that I didn't think you already had one, I just thought it might be nice to give you something nice."

"Well it was very nice." I reassure him.

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