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A/N - JC is a female in this, it is set in this AU

Two years had gone by since the fateful Guanyin Temple incident that rocked the cultivation world. Two years (a little more really) since Jiang Cheng's erstwhile husband had returned from the dead. Two years (a little less actually but who's counting) since she lost her widowed status and gained an extra love to boot somewhere in the middle. And two years since Sect Leader Lan had gone into seclusion, punishing himself for his blindness and mourning the loss of both his sworn brothers.

Normally Jiang Cheng would not stick her nose in other sects' business. But Gusu Lan had become more than just another sect to her; it was important to those she loved and so, it was also important to her. And even if things hadn't turned out the way they did in her personal life, Lan Xichen is someone she would have wanted to help anyway. During the thirteen years her husband had been dead he had been one of the few to show any open support for her. She would never forget that fateful discussion conference-- the one where she'd been dubbed Wife of the Yiling Demon after she rebuffed Jin Guangshan's attempt to pressure her into marriage (brokered by him no less-- undoubtedly trying to get her to wed one of his own relatives...control over the Jiang could only work in his favour). Loudmouthed Sect Leader Yao would have turned things even uglier for her had it not been for Lan Xichen's timely intervention on her behalf. His steady support had helped her in more ways than one over the years despite the fact that they were not ever particularly close. With Gusu Lan seemingly in her corner, the voices that would (and initially, did ) loudly decry a young female Sect Leader were forced to whisper instead.

That was why she found herself sitting opposite the man, sipping on a cup of tea as he gazed inquisitively at her.

"Sect Leader Jiang," he greeted, sounding weary, voice containing only a trace of his former warmth, "What brings you here? As you know I am still in seclusion, technically, I should not be having visitors. Is there something urgent that you need my help with?"

"Yes," she said, and continued bluntly as was her way, "I'm here to convince you to leave it."

His eyes widened slightly. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

It spoke to the measure of self control the Lan's had that he didn't simply kick her out of the hanshi.

"I beg your pardon but I don't see how that's any of your business."

She cleared her throat and tried to measure her words more carefully; she didn't want to be asked to leave before she had made her arguments and she tried to remember that this Lan Xichen had been hurt too deeply to retain his former magnanimity.

"You may not know it Lan Xichen, but outside these walls you are sorely missed."

His lips twitched, as if he wanted to smile but couldn't quite make it.

"I'm aware my family may miss me, Sect Leader Jiang, but I had no idea that you harbored such strong feelings towards me that you now miss my presence."

She sputtered slightly, not expecting him to joke about it when he looked like he could keel over if she spoke too loudly. "I..." her face turned red, "That wasn't what..."

Taking pity on her he waved her protests away, voice becoming more solemn, "Why don't you tell me why you think I should leave my seclusion. You of all people should understand why I need to do this. It was your family hurt the most by my ignorance."

She drew in a breath to steady herself, "Did you hold me responsible when Wei Wuxian did all the crap that he did?"

"That's different, he was manipulated," he frowned.

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