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Tae's pov

Omg I'm so tried form all this work these ppl are so lazy ughh fucking slugs so damn slow I wanna go home mfs jeez hurry this up, well hi my name is Taehyung and my life is life a badass wattpad story haha u see right now I'm sitting in a conference room with a butch of old ppl getting on my nerves but other from that I'm home sick I miss home well technically my oppa's and noonas cuz I don't have a good relationship with my mom and dad technically I don't give a fuck so moving o-

I was cutted out of my thoughts by Mr. Su I fucking hate this old man trying to get me and his suck up son together the boy is like 30 ew

Mr. Su: Taehyung-

Tae: it's Miss. Min Mr. Su pls continue

I cut him off bitch we ain't friends 🙄

Mr.Su: ok sorry but aren't u too young to be hosting a meeting most of all with all those tattoos and piercings u are looking like a slut no offense

He said with complete disgust on his face and eyes

Tae: I get it but aren't u too old to be alive and taking viagra to fuck your sluts but that ain't my business

U could hear small laughs around the room but I don't care bitch started it

Mr.Su: listen young lady u should not disrespect your elder and stop acting like a fucking whore

Tae: with all due respect Mr. Su not because I won't let your son fuck me doesn't mean I'm a whore and this conversation and fucking meeting is done so get u and saggy ass family out of my building before I throw dead body's out have a tremble day mother fuckers

I said as I walk out of the room to my car driving out of the company to my hotel room

(Hotel room)

(Hotel room)

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Author pov

As tae reach her room she threw herself in the bed ( omg that sounds like me after a long day 👀)  feeling so tired after 5 minutes she got up grabbed her robe and towel and head to the bathroom



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KING & QUEEN (taekook/kooktae)Where stories live. Discover now