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Lets just say the class was shocked by her word not knowing what is happening so the teacher took it into her own hands and asked

Sorry miss Min I don't understand want u mean, asked the confused teacher. Well u see Mrs. Bryun one six of your students knows me and one out of the six is my older brother Min Yoongi that's why I said that, explained tae to the class that was now more shocked to know that the cold hearted Min Yoongi had a little sister.

Ok you may have a sea---, the teacher was cutted off by Jungkook running and lefting Taehyung up .

Ok you may have a sea---, the teacher was cutted off by Jungkook running and lefting Taehyung up

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<something like this>

To say the class was shocked was an under statement like it's not everyday the Jeon Jungkook run up to someone like that not even his gf but speaking of her she was both shock and jealous at the moment .

Don't ever leave me like that again two whole fucking months is alot tae; complains kook as he missed his ride or die,
Oh stop whining u left me for a year no connection between us what u think happened to me; said tae hugging him tightly missing him so much not minding the glare piercing through her head .

While the best friends were having there moment and Island was not liking it, the girl in the photo was nth like it now .

Now u believe she's nothing; said yoongi laughing at tae and jk's moment totally forgotten about class, I think they should just date ; said Jin looking ahead, me too there so obvious and still don't get it kids these days; said namjoon making the gang laugh at his expression .

U do know he has a gf right which he loves; said Island totally annoyed with how they are talking, what she said made them laugh even harder this time  making them the center of attention of the whole class even taekook who got there seats but still in each other's harms .
What's so funny; asked Island confused about why they laughing ,
Island u see that ; said Jimin pointing at taekook with tae sitting on kook's lap with her face in his neck and kook's hand on her butt

What's so funny; asked Island confused about why they laughing ,Island u see that ; said Jimin pointing at taekook with tae sitting on kook's lap with her face in his neck and kook's hand on her butt

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<something like this but her face is in his neck>

Listen sweet heart Jungkook doesn't confirm of his relationships it's been like the since middle school Taehyung is the one who confirm of them not him she might be small but she's a fighter for family and Jungkook is her personal member in our family she would do anything for him so don't get confused that she might be obsessed or something but Jungkook is the obsessed and possessive one he'd kill for her just so that no one can hurt her he is the one who took her virginity when she was sixteen because of a boy flirting with her and she flirted back and from that they had sex on a daily basis nothing new to us when we see them like that so in a short concept of all that u can't separate them no matter what u do; said Jimin in one go taking deep breaths from all that she said awhile ago

So your saying I can't go near my bf; said Island not getting the point of what was just said
U dumb bitch-- u know what let's go to lunch cuz they left without us Jimin to them that was looking at Island with a done face.

So your saying I can't go near my bf; said Island not getting the point of what was just said U dumb bitch-- u know what let's go to lunch cuz they left without us Jimin to them that was looking at Island with a done face

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