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the day after, alaniis woke up with an horrible headache

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the day after, alaniis woke up with an horrible headache. even though, she wasn't a drinker, or a smoker or anything else, the singer cried so much this night she felt like she had an hangover.

after taking a shower and putting on some comfy sweatpants, the girl was on her favorite room : the office.

the room was at first only her home studio with her pianos, guitar and bass and everything you'll need to record song at home. but then, she brought another desk and an gaming PC and she transformed the room in a setup to play when she was bored.

today, she sat on her gaming chair, searching for an interesting game. she wasn't an amazing e-gamer, she wasn't even great in most games but it was her way to do things with her little brother, minho, who was still in highschool in liverpool.

seeing that he wasn't connected on league of legends, the girl tried apex legends and it takes two, but he just wasn't here.

the singer texted him before deciding to play final fantasy 7, in the wait of his response. three hours later, he still hasn't responded and she was hungry so she ordered a pizza.

living alone was great but most of the time, she wanted to be back in liverpool with her siblings. it was too silent, too calm, she missed arguing with jamal and minho, braiding imran's hair or putting makeup on janelle.

alaniis was scrolling through her photos, deleting the one where she was ugly. when she saw jude's sleepy face with her nails pinching his cheek, the girl thought she was gonna die from fangirling.

"i miss him" the scouser whined while the doorbell rang. "my pizza !"

alaniis took her order and gave the delivery guy a tip before closing the door. she sat comfortably on her couch, lit up the TV to watch a random garbage show on netflix, opened her can of strawberry flavoured mirinda and started eating her pizza.

"that gyal is mad annoying" the girl complained about ginny, the main character of the show. "what a brat."

her phone rang, making her jump as she was really focus on the show. but when she saw the name and the blue heart, alaniis answered immediately, looking like a desperate girl.

"JUDEE" she screamed making him laugh.

"hi babe" his voice was way more quiet. "how ya doin' ?"

"fine, still" she replied, sipping her soda. "i miss you."

"you're too much" he laughed, not wanting to admit that it made his heart flutters. "i saw the pics of you and your ex." his voice sounded bitter on the word ex.

"it's not like that, my team had this huge thing and he hap-"

"alaniis, it's calm" he reassured her. "i wanted to know how you were doin after seeing him. you looked like you were crying, so i was worried."

"no, i-" she began, not finding her words. "he was just an arse, like everytime."

"what did he say ?"

"a lot of shit and shady stuffs" alaniis answered. "i need to talk to you about something."

"im listening" jude replied.

"if you get called to the england team for the euros, it's best if i say it to you" the girl began, getting more serious. "i had a thing with marcus rashford."

"a thing ? what type of thing ? don't he have a girlfriend ?"

"they were broken up, but that's not important" she clarified. "umm, i gave him head, like maybe once or twice."

"oh" was all alaniis could heard.

the girl grew anxious. she didn't know why she thought telling him through the phone was a good idea but the scouser didn't want to keep it secret since they were bound to play one day together.

"it's in your past, anyway" jude finally spoke after a long moment. "it's definitely weird and it almost feel illegal but i don't really care."

"really ?" her voice was almost inaudible.

"it's not something i can change" he sighed before smiling. "i have to go, it's time for the massage."

"what ? what massage ? somebody is giving you massage ?"

"yes, the staff" he replied. "i'll talk to you later, bye."

"bye, take care."

jude hung up, smiling like a simp. even though most of their conversations were short because they were busy, the boy was always in the clouds after it. she was making him fall way too fast and way too hard.

"mans all smiley" jadon sancho, his teammate, mocked him earning a slap behind the head. "the alaniis effect, innit ?"

"fuck off."

NIA's NOTE —college is wack sorry thechapter is a bad asf

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college is
sorry the
is a
bad asf

n its
still the
worse in
my op

anyway take
care for

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