
399 19 14

"Pardon me mister"

It's him , i can feel it, it's definitly him ! oh my god what should i do , 'Ira , man help!'

'i don't know Abel ! i am freaking out as well!'

Ok , let's keep it cool and play it off , we got this .

' shouldn't we answer? it's kind of weird just standing here' Ira offered

Yeah let's not be suspicious , 'we stay as we are, answer quickly, add a lame excuse then dash deal?'

' deal , you got this!'

I clear my throat , answer ready to be told , and no matter what , we do not stutter you hear me do not freaking stutter !

" Yes? " ok good , that's good ! it might of had almost sounded like a whisper but it's fine, better than nothing.

I close my eyes not moving a muscle , fingers still wrapped around the door's handle cause you never know , we might need a plan B.

Why is he quiet , does he know ? of course he knows you idiot ! fuck ok calm down.

" Are you going somewhere ? the event has just began "

What do i say to that ? 'Ira , ideas quick ! '

'u-um , i dont know Abel , his pheromones are making me feel all over the place...' shit, same.

" Are you feeling unwell? " the stranger takes one more step closer to me , his voice filled with confusion .

" No i am fine! i just n-need to go to the, uh , the bathroom? yeah bathroom Ha"

" Oh... is it urgent ? perhaps we could-"

i cut him off, finaly opening the door " Very urgent ! Now if you'll ecxuse me " i answer quicly ,and very awkwardly might i add spead walk away from him towards the guard at the end of the corridor asking him where the bathrooms were.

I dont even look back as i , again , awkwardly spead walk to my only escape for now.

' I don't think he's following us ' yeah his scent is getting lighter .

i open the door to the bathroom , and made sure to lock it after getting in . Now what?


" Alpha , is evrything ok? "

I nod , my eyes still strained on the path the man i was just talking to took , although he's long disapeared from my sight .

There was no doubt who he was to me , my whole being aknowledges him . Though i know nothing about him more than the color of his soft hair , and the mole in the middle of his nape .

But that won't be for long.

I turn my head slightly to the bodyguard standing on my side "The man who i was talking to a minute ago , light brown hair , slender figure , he was wearing a dark blue suit . Check if he's in the bathroom" .

"Yes sir " he says bowing down , then opened the door signaling three of his collegues to follow along .

I close my eyes inhaling the remaining sweet scent lingering around ' Mate'. I smile reopening my eyes . I finally found him , my precious little mate.

°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°

" The window 's too small damn it, i don't think i can get through it" i groan leaning my arms on the smouth surface of the long sink .

I am a mess , my face is so red it could explode any second from now if i don't figure out how to get away from this ridiculous situation , and my hair is everywhere from constantly running my sweaty palms through it . I seriously need a haircut. Focus.

" You know what screw it , am using the door and if anything happens am screaming bloody murder at the top of my lungs " i huff straightening my now wrinkled suit .

I walk to the bathroom's door took a deep breath , then slowly opened it peaking my head first checking if anyone's outside . Clear , alright let's freaking go .

At first i just stick with my famous awkward speed walk , but when i hear a " Have you ckecked this bathroom yet?" i run for my life turning from corner to another until i finaly reach the main door . I just know they're here for me.

I force a stupid smile to the guard who returns it while opening the door for me , i thank him quickly then finally , thanks god , dash outside.

" Shit where did i park the damn car" , i walk around the parking lot trying my best to locate my small white car , wich i love by the way .

"HEY YOU!" i hear someone shout from the main entrance , and am panicking so hard , i should of had used the bathroom before going out .

There she is ! I finally spot my car and run for my life towards it , and i suck at running but i somehow make it. i try opening the door but it's not budging. ' the keys Abel '. oh yeah the keys . I grab them with shaky hands unlocking the door then got in.

i look back checking if there is still someone infront of the builiding and indeed there was . Four actually who were starting to head towards me .' i think he's close , i can smell him again'. i turn arround one last time after starting the car and my eyes lock on a man who was saying something to one of the four men with balck suits , who then suddenly stop chasing me and stand next to him .But then he turns his gaze my way and i freeze ' mate'.

I let out a strained shaky sigh . Sorry , but i cant .

It was hard turning away from him , but when i finaly do i drive away back to safety . It's better this way.


Ayo! back again , i'll try to update more from now on , and i hope you like it so far . if there is any spelling mistakes don't hesitate to correct me .

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