Chapter 6: Lone Wolf

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With Brown as the new alpha I found myself running through the forest in my human form. I must find Belle. Belle has to break the curse. Time must flow again. If not I fear that I will live forever. That is something I don't wish to do in either form.

When I reached Belle she was struggling to lift the old man onto her horse. "Belle!" I watched as my voice startled her again.

"You are the man from the enchanted castle." Belle pointed out.

Enchanted? Is that how she sees the world?

I helped Belle and the old man on the horse. "Belle, once we get the old man to safety we need to return back to the castle. I know how to stop the curse."

"Curse?" Belle asked. "Does it have something to do with that strange rose?"

"Possibly?" I asked. I only saw that flower like two seconds ago.

"I hate to break it to you, but I am not the person you are looking for." Belle said as she rode off into town.

I transformed into my wolf form, so I could catch up to them. Belle glanced down at me and seemed unfazed. "Honestly, is there anything normal about this area?"

"Well wait until I tell you about the time loop." I said sarcastically.

When we entered the town I was forced into my human form. As I followed Belle to her cottage I saw Gaston and a bunch of angry men standing by with a gentleman in a white coat. I kept at a good distance, because this whole scenario screamed of danger.

Gaston was giving a speech about how the old man is a dangerous lunatic. I honestly did not see that coming. He is the most harmless creature I have ever witnessed.

Without warning Gaston threw Belle into the cottage with the old man. He then broke the handle off of the door, locking them in.

"It is either you are with me, or you are against me!" Gaston yelled. "We will kill the beast!"

Yeah, I'm out. I used the commotion to conceal myself in the shadows. I watched as the townsmen ready their pitchforks and torches. They really think they can just march into the castle and fight the beast.

Will killing the beast break the curse? No, it will only continue the time loop. I hate to admit this, but I need to warn the beast.

I quickly left the town. Once I reached the forest I transformed into my natural form and let out a howl. Not just any howl, one of distress. One where I am asking my pack to put themselves in harm's way and fight with me one last time.

My howl went unanswered. I am now a lone wolf.

As I entered the castle grounds I transformed into my human form. I slammed opened the castle doors gaining the attention of all of the household appliances. "Your master is in danger." I growled out.

Just when the situation could not get any more bizarre, Sultan came and sat at my feet. Then a candlestick spoke up. "Why should we trust you?"

"They captured Belle. They are coming for the beast's head."

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